-think I Got My First Infection

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hopefully you folks don't mind me sharing my process and can point out what i may have done wrong.

First brew for a few months, and really short of time at the moment, so gutted its been wasted.

NC wort, 3 days old. went into the cube at well over 85C, was sealed cube with no air whatsoever, no signs of swelling cube, and wort tasted good, so think i'm ok there. SG 1048

NC cube was in the ferm fridge at 18C prior to going into FV.

FV = i store it with a cup of starsan inside it, and give it shake every few weeks.
shook the FV, let it sit sealed for a few mins, then poured out the starsan, just some foam left inside, poured wort into that, poured into FV whilst standing up to give it a fair splash around, and gave it a thrash with a sanitised paddle for 3 mins or so. big foam on top by the time i'd finished.

Ran out of time so rather than hydrating the yeast, US05, just bunged it in, and it sat on the foamy head of the wort, slowly sort of sinking in.

Glad wrapped and into the fridge at 18C.

too busy, so didn't check it for 5 days, no krausen, just a bit of scum, the glad wrap hadn't swelled, and the inside of the fridge didn't have that all is good with the world smell. SG=1044, bugger.

Wasn't until day 7 that i could get more yeast.
tried to ensure to get different batch of yeast dipstick at the brew shop insisted that seeing as i couldn't tell him the airlock was bubbling he lost all interest in helping me out...
hydrated the yeast this time, bunged it in, set thetemp mate to 19C, but no SG reading at this time though.
24 hours later SG=1015, but yucky smell. No swelling of the glad wrap still.

Tastes like last night's beer but maybe 3 days old that's been sat in the sun all day, maybe with a couple of ciggy ends put into it for good measure.

So down the drain it goes.s
so do I chalk it up to sh!t happens, or should i be more careful with any particular bit?
More careful with having a spare yeast on hand perhaps?

Rehydrating shouldn't be an issue - plenty don't rehydrate and the yeast still does its job. Just possibly a dud batch of yeast that didn't fire. 1.048 -> 1.044 over 5 days could have been something other than your US05 chewing through the sugars. Did you do a aste test at day 5 when the SG was 1.044 and was it ok?
I would have waited two weeks to see if it really was that bad.

Sometimes bad beers DO come good (sometimes)

How carefully do you "measure" your Starsan. If a little bit of concentrated Starsan was left in the cube, it could have inhibited yeast growth (especially if Starsan is lighter than wort.


how long was the starsan in the fermenter all up, if the solution gets above a p-h of 3.5 it loses its bug killing abilites.
how long was the starsan in the fermenter all up, if the solution gets above a p-h of 3.5 it loses its bug killing abilites.

Yeah but if the Starsan was lighter than wort it would have sat, as a layer on top of the wort like oil on water. Once the yeast was sprinkled on top it would have been exposed to starsan.

Just a thought

Yeah but if the Starsan was lighter than wort it would have sat, as a layer on top of the wort like oil on water. Once the yeast was sprinkled on top it would have been exposed to starsan.

Just a thought

that is possable however when the wort was racked into the f/v there would have been some mixing raising the p-h.
All the yeast scum in the tap thread of my fermenter would have fired up and got it running...

My advice is to not clean your fermenter so well so if your yeast doesn't fire then the beer will be a random mix of all the previous brews lambic.

Considering it't US05 which is strong, shall we say. Seems a loss :(
I agree with starsan in FV too long, probably lost its cleaning power and a bug took over.

Also possible that your yeast was just f&*#D, how does HBS keep it stored, no bubbling airlock, maybe no brewing brain, 5 days without
without viable yeast certainly would cause a problem.
2 things, and just my opinion so take it for what it's worth - I wouldn't store your fermenter full of starsan, just wash it well and store it dry then hit it with fresh sanitiser when you are ready to use it. But I think the main problem was your yeast obviously didn't fire for whatever reason, either the pack was too old or heat affected or could be any number of reasons I guess, but it didn't work so you had wort sitting there for 5 days that had been exposed to open air so it's pretty much always going to go bad in that situation.
Tastes like last night's beer but maybe 3 days old that's been sat in the sun all day, maybe with a couple of ciggy ends put into it for good measure.
I would have waited two weeks to see if it really was that bad.
I'm with Darren on this one. In my (thankfully) limited experience of infections, they don't usually taste much like beer at all. I would have let it run it's course.
I've had issue with non-firing yeast before, but I wouldn't say "infected" (although I could well be wrong,) it seems more like if the lag phase is long (really long) the beer tastes awful when it does finally finish - aroma of squashed fruit, and an extreme rubbery bitterness. This was Coopers dry ale yeast once, and 1099 another time.
I've had issue with non-firing yeast before, but I wouldn't say "infected" (although I could well be wrong,) it seems more like if the lag phase is long (really long) the beer tastes awful when it does finally finish - aroma of squashed fruit, and an extreme rubbery bitterness. This was Coopers dry ale yeast once, and 1099 another time.

Then there was the time I got back into brewing... I found an old tin of coopers pale, made it up and pitched the 5year old yeast which hadn't been stored any better than under the house...

it 'worked' took a long time in the lag phase...

Beer was okay... but as it got older there was a nasty autolysis in it.

Threw out the last few bottles the other day...

But look at the bright side... I got back into brewing (and bought a keg system this time!)
thanks folks, its not been thrown out yet, so will let it be for another week or so.

will amend the FV storage procedure for next time- should have been brewing and consuming on a constant rotation, then wouldn't have had this problem - live and learn. :lol:

Perhaps the starsan was over strength-- although i don't 'fear the foam', i do sort of do fear it slightly!
After the thrashing of the wort there's a pretty foamy head- is this normal for straight wort, or is it starsan foam on top of the wort?
If it was mostly starsan foam, and i just sprinkled the yeast powder onto it, it maybe did just kill the yeast, or at least give it a hard time.

On the other hand, could be dodgy batch of yeast, and i just blame the LHBS.....
After the thrashing of the wort there's a pretty foamy head- is this normal for straight wort, or is it starsan foam on top of the wort?

I drain the kettle into the fermenter from a height. The fermenter holds 30L and I drain 20L of wort into it. As it nears the 20L mark, foam is already creeping up and almost out of the 30L fermenter. A good thrashing of wort will produce lots of foam, so I'd say that it's not starsan foam on top.

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