Thermometers - Temp Of Wort, Mash, Beer

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I have one of these and its done the job well for almost 3 years of one set of batteries! :beerbang: (although i am fearing the day i mash in and she doesnt fire)

when i build my new mashtun i will setup a temp probe/thermowell to slide something like batz product into. As long as they hold a constant (and accurate) temp, i'll be happy with it.

Bloody Hell. The thing costs ONE DOLLAR! You can't even buy bread or milk for that much in this country!!! I tell youse allz, the western worldz manufacturing industries are gunna go unda!
I have one of these and its done the job well for almost 3 years of one set of batteries! :beerbang: (although i am fearing the day i mash in and she doesnt fire)

when i build my new mashtun i will setup a temp probe/thermowell to slide something like batz product into. As long as they hold a constant (and accurate) temp, i'll be happy with it.
Thanks for the recommendation, just brought one. I figure for $1 why not? Hopefully it will last a bit longer than my other digital one.
Better be good Batz or i'll have to fly up and see you B) as i just ordered one



They'll be wondering about the sudden popularity of the thermometer.

Must be due to masterchef.
People eat good food now because of masterchef.
It's a bugger, isn't it! I was cooking good food way before it was fashionable. Then I took up home brewing, now that's going to go mainstream. I'll have to take up tatting, or something.

Bloody Hell. The thing costs ONE DOLLAR! You can't even buy bread or milk for that much in this country!!! I tell youse allz, the western worldz manufacturing industries are gunna go unda!

Thanks for the recommendation, just brought one. I figure for $1 why not? Hopefully it will last a bit longer than my other digital one.

when i got mine it was around 15-20 bucks landed. heck for that current price i could buy a new one with batteris included instead of having to buy a new battery! :lol:
Bloody Hell. The thing costs ONE DOLLAR! You can't even buy bread or milk for that much in this country!!! I tell youse allz, the western worldz manufacturing industries are gunna go unda!
I just ordered one - the western world manufacturing has already gone - sadly - I was part of it for 50 years
No matter what you use, get 1 good reference thermometer you can trust I mean a liquid in glass at a minimum make sure all your other sensors agree with it.

If its a degree or two out it wouldnt really matter you can make adjustments to your stated mashing temperature to taste, which any sensible brewer will be doing anyway.

The most important point is to get consistency.

I just invested in a NATA certified reference thermometer, its going off to get a 65oC reference certificate the certification alone will cost $200- but then we will have a very accurate standard that local brewers can check there thermometers against no charge just a service to help brewers make better beer.

If you think about it that should give you some idea how important I think accurate temperature measurement is.

Couldn't agree more. worked in food production for over 15 years and used dial and digi thermos and the dial were notorious for going out of calibration every day,especially if they were bumped or knocked.infra-reds to my knowledge only register the surface temp,might be wrong though.Watch out for digi's around electrical fields,I've seen them go nuts near digi scales .
That labsupply place has pretty good ones too. THB-110B looks like a good one but not sure how it's graded.

yeh thats the model i bought ,it is graduated per degree.
SOLD! Just brought one... Hope you're getting commision Batz

Better be good Batz or i'll have to fly up and see you as i just ordered one



They'll be wondering about the sudden popularity of the thermometer.

I hope you guys like them, feeling a bit nervous now :blink: Don't get the cable in the mash though ! From what I have been PMed everyone who's having a problem with theirs has done just that.

The most reliable thermo I have is a 300mm immersion job sold by pat at absolute homebrew. Red spirit thermo, made in UK, goes from 0 to 110 C. And.... its on nearly every good HBS website for just that price, $12. I've ordered that 99 cent thermo from the ebay place 4* quoted, would be good to have an extra for backup/to be sure :)
Received a care package with my thermometer today (quick service); got to say that first impressions are good Batz. Love the fact that its got the count down timer included (means that my iphone can be used primarily for tunes during my brew day).
I just use my thumb which is calibrated by the old factor.
The other way is to do something like MHB suggests, because seriously if you want to whack on about temp for mash then you need to verify your instrument and for that you need a control.
Just checked my red spirit thermo in boiling distilled water-97c And i'm not 3000ft above sealevel :angry:
3oC is about the error you would expect from a total immersion thermometer that only had its feet wet so to speak.
Have a look at you thermometer and see whether it's a total or partial immersion (usually 76mm).
I suppose this sums up my pedantry about thermometers, the best instrument can give bad results, depending on how its used.

I hope you guys like them, feeling a bit nervous now :blink: Don't get the cable in the mash though ! From what I have been PMed everyone who's having a problem with theirs has done just that.

Maybe that was my downfall the day it stopped working I ended up being a bit messy spashing wort around the kitchen :icon_drunk:
3oC is about the error you would expect from a total immersion thermometer that only had its feet wet so to speak.
Have a look at you thermometer and see whether it's a total or partial immersion (usually 76mm).
I suppose this sums up my pedantry about thermometers, the best instrument can give bad results, depending on how its used.

the thermo isn't marked,it was a replacement for a good uk one.i've made WAY too many assumptions.I've allowed the same difference at 100c as a linear scale down to working temps ie:65-70c.It ain't necessarily so!! Just because a measuring instrument is accurate at boiling/freezing temps,doesn't mean it's accurate at working temps. Accurate calibration of instruments is very important.Mark,let me know when you start the calibration service,'ll be one of your first customers :icon_cheers:
I hope you guys like them, feeling a bit nervous now :blink: Don't get the cable in the mash though ! From what I have been PMed everyone who's having a problem with theirs has done just that.


Used mine yesterday for the first time and it works a treat.......good find Batz
