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Well, Its been a while.

Black Rock Export Pilsener, first brew ever, many many many to come.

13 days in primary, pretty decent Temp control at 18C. Bottled and stored at room temp for 2 weeks, then chilled for 4 days at 2C.

I was a little worried, as I tried one of the beers about 2 days after bottling, And Theres no more polite way to say it, but It tasted green and I spent the next day farting unfermented sugars.

I just opened another and it poured well, Its dark gold, and anything but clear, It is clear when warm, but its getting chill haze, suprising me as its just a kit.

It tastes like there is something a little off. It is too subtle for my palete to discern so Im thinking of taking it into daves home brew in sydney tomorrow to ask if he will look smell and perhaps taste ? Would that be poor ettiquete ???

It does not have as much flavour as I had hoped for, It tastes pleasent and easy to drink, small head, nice carbonation. But overall a Little underwhelming to be honest. Tomorrow I will start work on a deep dark brew of epic specifications.

I dont know how much more info I can give, but any comments or feedback Would be really appreciated, I would love to get better at this, Because this beer is fantastic, just my expectations were very very very high.
