The Last Time A Brew Really Excited You

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I know most brews are a lobour of love and the outcome is always worth the wait but whens the last time you were really excited about drinking one of Your brews.

On friday I bottled my Scottish 80/ and if the color and smell are worth going by I just cant wait to have one of these beers . I have made this before and always enjoyed it but this time I am really excited I have been to the cupboard many many times and just held a bottle up and looked at it , weird I know but the anticipation is killing me.

Am I alone :p

I was so excited that I couldnt spell and posted the topic that is excited

Yeah that link, :blink:
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That would be yesterday, as I pulled the first Bitter from the fridge.
The anticipation was justified too!
All the time...which is why it is so disappointing when it doesn't live up to expectations or gets infected during secondary.

But more recently, due to a few of those disappointing brews, I haven't gotten as excited and the results have been exciting. back to picking up the bottles every 5 minutes to see if its cleared and carbed and getting in the fridge ready to drink.
The other day, when i tasted my 3rd all grain beer. And it was actually good. It was very exciting for me, and has made all the effort worth it.
I usually get excited about the beers that I am not brewing (the ones that I am planning) - and once I have brewed them, I start thinking about the next one.

Sorta of like losing interest in a one night stand after doing your 'business'...
Both last night when I cracked my first Wolf Wizard IPA, talk about hops beating you about the tastebuds! And also on Saturday when I bottled a brew then got to my Black Magick Stout and realised after approximately a month it's still not done, Did a smell/taste test to check it and it knocked my socks of! See if it's done in a couple days. I snuck back for another taster it was so damn good.

Also was quietly impressed with my first White Rabbit the same day.

i've got a Norwest Pale Ale fresh wort in the fermenter (only 5 days) & i'm hopping, i mean HOPING it tastes pretty good after a couple of weeks in the bottle because i don't think i can wait any longer.
actually i'm going to head to 1st Choice this arvo & buy a bunch of Pales to kill of the craving.
"i've got a Norwest Pale Ale fresh wort in the fermenter (only 5 days) & i'm hopping, i mean HOPING it tastes pretty good after a couple of weeks in the bottle because i don't think i can wait any longer."

Same here, the days can't go quickly enough!! The wort tasted awesome.
I had a Dusseldorf Alt (based off JZ's recipe) which blew me away everytime I tried it. Unfortunately the keg blew dry a week ago.

I'm hoping that my American Rye Pale Ale (English hops for bittering/flavour and US hops for flavour/aroma) will be my next brew that blows me away.

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