The "how Small Is Your Brewery?" Thread

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Halfluck Brewing
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Hey Fellas,

well i've come the the realisation that i have a small Brewshed compared to all the other brewer's
shed's i've been around.


as you can see she's only just wider than the door.


and it only just fits my AG setup inside!

That looks great :super: - At least you have a brew shed unlike me :(

cheers Ross
Before looking at your location I thought you might be living in Tokyo with a bed behind the door too :lol:
As long as it works thats all that counts. Like Ross said at least you have a shed...i have a very cold draughty carport, think yourself lucky son ;) I also love the wind protector around the burner. What is it? An old oil drum?
nice set-up
how do you go with condensation?
i had to add a fan to my set-up to stop condensation dripping off the ceiling
word, no shed here robbo. lovely outdoor verandah to brew on though, jeez i love brewing in 6 degree weather on a sat morning :(
aight real question, how do you go with the boil in that little room? steam up much? i do have a space to brew inside but couldnt be arsed with foggy windows etc...
i wouldnt be able to drink whilst brewing either in that little keep bumping into things :p

Im usually near to staggering at the end of brew day!

A boil over would really be a pain

I brew out the back under a covered patio

Which is good from a cleaning up aspect - but a pain to get all the gear out which is spread all over the place




I also love the wind protector around the burner. What is it? An old oil drum?

yup, my first ag had 0% evaporation (cause i couldn't get the thing to boil, out on the back lawn with the
wind howling) so the next day i scowered around like mad seeing what would do the trick, found a
drum at the back of the mechanics. an hour later had a rolling boil.

nice set-up
how do you go with condensation?

my brewery has spent the majority of it's life under an ease getting wet and rusty, i got a pump
and decided to move it somewhere it wasn't going to get wrecked and i hated moving it to and fro.
i told the girlfriend it was going in the spare bedroom and she suggested i clean out the shed
(i didnt even think of that!)

i've only done 2 brews on it in the shed so far and haven't had a problem with condensation,
the kettle is right next to the door and the roof is on a slant i figure any drips will run off into the grass.
we'll see how she goes.

it sure was nice and tosty in there on saturday night when it was cold and wet outside.

think i might go looking for an old oil drum - great idea...thanks RR

Cortez that kettle looks a bit precarious. Id be turning those bricks over :blink:

A shed would be great. I have to use VW wheels ;)

Plenty of space to fall over Bonj. Not such a bad thing...!

I've been privileged with a large shed for too long - karma caught up with me and the landlord sold the place. We move next week into a house with a 1mx2m tin outhouse, which is barely enough for the mower/trimmer.

Looks like I'm brewing on the deck like some of you lot. I'll adapt I'm sure, but it was nice being able to spread out (not to mention run a dedicated brew PC with wireless networking)...never mind.
and that bloody dart boards still there I see!!! :p
We move next week into a house with a 1mx2m tin outhouse, which is barely enough for the mower/trimmer.

haha... that reminds me i haven't found a place for all the stuff i removed from the shed to fit the
brewery :(
Well the constraint on me is space right now

Thankfully I just bought a house so no more brewing in the laundry and alley way



And my misses assisted me in a brew on Saturday and was quite disturbed about the urn on top of a bin and two milk crates and she told me I had to make something more stable and permanent at the new house.(if only she knew what she just gave me the green light for)
Too small!!! Too small!!! You ungrateful b@st.... I'd kill for a little dedicated brewing space like that. I'm sick of setting up and packing away. Like many I spent the weekend in a blustery, windy, raining car port watching steam rise from the vessels.

All I can say is in conditions like that long live the NASA!!

Looks good though mate. A tidy little package and a good use of space.

Cheers, JD
i've got a whole outside bathroom a bit bigger than that with running water, toilet, shower/bath and washbasin :D

aight real question
<_< ,
how do you go with the boil in that little room? steam up much?
you mean... condensation? :rolleyes:

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