The Flag

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Except that he is addressing the notion that those who gave their lives for this flag is largely a load of shit. He has accounted for a large portion of those who laid down their lives for this country and not one of them fought under this flag.

Please don't assume (you probably will anyway) that I wish to devalue these brave mens' sacrifice.
Except that he is addressing the notion that those who gave their lives for this flag is largely a load of shit. He has accounted for a large portion of those who laid down their lives for this country and not one of them fought under this flag.

Please don't assume (you probably will anyway) that I wish to devalue these brave mens' sacrifice.

Correct, and as I tried to point out, it is a moot point as they are not here to give their thoughts on the matter. Maybe they could not have cared less, maybe they were offended, we will never know.
as long as we are australia and stand for the things we currently stand for and are a great country, i would fight under any flag we have. Cant say I ever thought too much about what was on the flag when i was in the army, other than it was the australian flag and thus it represented Australia.

on a related topic, i wonder what all the poor athletes and other aussies who have tatts of the current aussie flag would do if we changed flags! bit hard to change that tatt :)
you are correct bum i only raised the issue of the flags that aussies fought under to counter the belief that the australian flag had not changed since 1788. as to what the diggers were fighting for a quick look through any of the history books will answer the question, they joined up for king and country and for the adventure of overseas travel and kept on fighting so they wouldnt let their mates down.
The flag definitely will come under scrutiny when Australia becomes a republic; most likely when the current queen dies, if not before.

As for if it should be changed, it seems peculiar to have the Union Flag in the canton of the Australian flag if Australia is no longer ruled by the British monarchy.

As for what it should be changed to, it'll obviously have something with the Southern Cross on it because that's what most Australians want on the flag. Ausflag's designs are okay but a bit boring and will be dated. I personally think that Australians who really, passionately care about the flag have misplaced ideals in the nation state and some ridiculous views that the flag is somehow representative of something better and pure. Ultimately, nationalism presents itself (at least to me) as the worst enemy of humanity leading into the 21st century. The quicker that nationalism dies out, the quicker that people will actually be able to respect each other.
Why would you want a animal on the flag that we slaughter by the tens of thousands each year, how embarassing that would be.

Not at all Tony ,, would make me proud,, I used to shoot roos for am income , they are great eatting , do no harm to the fragile rangelands and marginal farmming lands ,, need no care ...

i like that we eat the animals featured on our coat of arms. only country in thw world to do so. makes us special :)
I think you will find that Swaziland ppl eat elephant,,
Solomons islanders eat Shark and Crocodile
Zimbabweens most definatly eat Kudu
Botswanans eat Zebra
Eritrea would eat bloody anything , so camals not out of the question

Uluru, please BD, Uluru.


BS , F^%# the political corectness ,,, It Ayers Rock

Its name was changed, it's called Uluru. This isn't an alternative name, it only has one.

I admire native place names like this as they sound very nice - elegant? Compare Uluru with some places around here. Like this. Uluru sounds a lot nicer. ;)
I say leave the flag a it is - not because I am atached to it, but simply because as far a I am concerned it has virtually no value at all. It is a label and thats it. It could be black letters on a white background and just say Australia... and it would mean exactly the same things it means now and meant in the past.

I'm over nationalism anyway - Australia is a great country that has built a pretty damn good society based around a pretty damn good set of social values (well recently anyway) and it mostly meshes with my personal philosophy on how a country should treat its people and interact with other nations. Cool, I love it and support it for that.

But what if it didn't?? What if the racists have a win at the next election and get a senator in... and its the first step. The lebbo bashers get one in at the next election too - and in a few elections time there are stars on upper arms, southern crosses sewed onto brown shirts & people being bundled into minivans never to be seen again because they don't think its right and were brave enough to say so. What then?? Don't think it could ever happen here... have a look at history and see just how fast a seemingly sane and civilized country can go stark raving nuts and start lining people up against the wall.

It'd still be Australia... but would it be worth your loyalty?

Its the 21st century people. Get post modern dammit! Love a place because its worth actually loving, not because you happen to have been born there or because its where you currently live. Leave the flag the hell alone, its a square yard of coloured cloth and nothing more - spend the time and effort on making sure that the country its hanging over stays great and maybe even gets a bit better.
Where's the .gif of the people giving a round of applause when I need it?


They should have put it over her face.

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