The Flag

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I reckon the Mad Max movie poster would make a great flag.

However you'd get all those Mel Gibson haters up in arms re: he's either a seppo or NZer... can't remember which at the moment.
Not to mention the holden lovers chucking a stink.
Keep the flag as it is, but just remove the Union Jack. No need to add anything else really. Keep it simple.

Nobody fought or died for "the flag" which, after all, is only a symbol and a piece of cloth.
Our solders fought for our country, so changing the flag will make no difference to that.

If you want to retain the Union Jack on the flag as a piece of our history, how about arranging tiny minutures of the flags of all the countries from which we've sourced settlers or migrants. They could be like the stars on the US flag, or arranged in a circle around the Southern Cross! That way everyone should be happy.
I'm all for an new flag. Haven't got one to promote, but rid ourselves of that english corner. The Australian ensign was a great design for Australia of 1901, when the majority did think of themselves as British subjects. It's now 2010 - no one thinks we are British - we are Austruckinphalian and proud. Time to make our representation (identification) to the world Australian. Has worked well for Canada and South Africa, time for us. And none of this "they fought and died under that flag" argument - emotive tripe. That they fought and died is not the issue, that they did so for the country is worthy of our memory. The flag issue should never be linked to their sacrifice, it just cheapens them and shows the ignorance and stupidity of the proponent.
Whilst I agree on it being a good flag, I'm pretty sure the aboriginals wouldn't be too happy with us taking it and using it as our own, and I think they'd have a fair point. I'm a big fan of the aboriginal-flag-in-place-of-the-union-jack option, but doing that takes away their individual culture - it's no longer their flag, it's ours, and whilst I'm all about integration and harmony, etc, people still need their own identities... I don't think I'm making sense. It makes sense in my head.

I think it should be incorporated/included in any new flag that develops though. I'd be happy with the southern cross with aboriginal flag colours. Any borrowing/reclaiming of cultural identity shood be carried out with proper consultation obviously but that's a lot of people who've been ignored for a long time.

Bulk buy anyone??? :p
The thing that gets me is that the current union jack only dates back to 1801. Before that the jack didn't have the diagonal red cross. The original union jack was proclaimed in 1606 and went through at least 3 revisions to get the design we have now. Before 1606 it was the St George's cross of England (from 1188 anyway).

You don't hear the poms complaining because someone changed the flag that people fought and died under at Agincourt and Crecy do you?

The first war where people actually fought under the current Australian flag was WW2. Before that our army was known as the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) and fought well and truly for King and Empire under the British flag. Did we somehow sully their memories when we fought under the Australian flag in WW2?

The whole fought and died argument is bollocks.

Bring on the republic and change the flag.
Perhaps Australia could just replace the Union Jack with the flag of whatever country is really calling the shots.

From 1788-1945 the Union Jack
From 1945-2008 the US flag
From 2008- ? the flag of the PRC..

Personally, i like the Aboriginal flag.....forget whatever attitudes it brings, as a flag it is a great, simple unique design that has a bit of meaning behind the colours used and where they are on the flag

Zeb has a point the Aboriginals dont view us as Australian.

Im all for Aboriginbal rights but a flag that mixes the Aboriginal flag and the southern cross this is a great compromise for a country of its own.

we have to take the fact that this is a multycultural continent with aboriginal, english, irish, german, japanese, chinese, sudanese whatever else enese and every other race, culture. I believe in us being accept-ant of whoever however and im the last you would call racist, i just strongly BELIEVE IN AUSTRALIA BEING AUSTRALIA.

that should be defended at all cost. The Aus way of life.

the way we live in this world is UNIQUE no other country has our rights our freedom our passion and our absolute dont give a crap attitude.

I need this to continue for my kids and generations beyond, if everybody has this point, AUS will remain the greatest place on earth


P.S. i paint my face green and gold and give this speech in the most passionate way i can leading AHB into battle.

Salmon then.

Oh oh oh ---What about beige with some ermine trimming?

We need an interior decorator. I'll report back when I've had a word to Jean-Paul. He knows everything.

Salmon then.

Oh oh oh ---What about beige with some ermine trimming?

We need an interior decorator. I'll report back when I've had a word to Jean-Paul. He knows everything.

something you put in a sandwich

A fish for catching

The suit is Richie Beneu

ermine i dont know what the looks the f%$k like

Jean Paul was a pope but im not that religous

Thanks Manticle

Kleiny :lol:
just **** the union jack off and replace it with the coat of arms, never a backward step mate

i'll keep the avatar until it changes though...
@Kleiny: I guess for me it comes down to a bit of what you said. Australia (when it's at its best anyway) is a place for people and no-one should give a tin shit where those people come from (except out of interest). We do have our fair share of nationalist bigoted arseholes but I like the diversity. My background is completely unknown (adopted with suggestions of irish, Scottish and Aboriginal but nothing definite) and my partner has an Egyptian/Italian Grandmother, English Grandfather, Sicilian father and Australian mother (some links somewhere to Russia as well). To me a flag is a symbol and no more and not even a symbol I probably care very much about in the scheme of things. People learning to deal with others' similarities and differences matters more to me. To be honest, the southern cross has become as much a symbol of white nationalist 'pride' (read ignorant thuggery) as anything else these days.

That said I've had a new idea.

Maybe a big up yours fingers on aboriginal coloured background? Chinese characters spelling '**** the man' on the left, a big green alcoholic trim (as in contains actual bushmills and stout) over the whole thing for the irish and some tomato and oregano plants intertwined for the Italians and greeks just under the fingers to symbolise unity.
Green and Gold diagonal stripes.

Symbolises the national colours of the Cootamundra Wattle.

And also Bart Cummings silks. He is the king of the only sporting event that stops the entire nation.
CANARY YELLOW?! That's Australian gold my friend, and don't you f***ing forget it.

Canary yellow indeed.
It could be worse



  • 500px_Royal_Standard_of_Australia.svg.bmp
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Just remove the "Jock" part for now. Worry about the rest of us pommy's another time.

Everyone saying the fact that soldiers, airmen and sailors fought under the flag argument is crap are out of line. If any of you are ex-military, you would not be saying that. Of course they fought for the country not the flag, but for them the flag has much more meaning that of a civilian. That flag represents what they were out there risking their lives for, their identity, and for people who want it changed just because they are offended by the historical reference to Britain is wrong. I served in the Middle East some years back and was Flag Attendant at our ANZAC Ceremony, it was one of the proudest moments of my military career out in the desert in the middle of nowhere, hoisting and lowering the flag at the appropriate moments. When I look at the flag, I don't see references to our English background, I see the Australian flag, that's all. No doubt it will be changed one day, but you won't see the push coming from those that defend this country.



edit spellin

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