The dreaded DMS.

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Have been fermenting in cubes lately and the last couple of brews have had the same off flavour. Smells/tastes to me like pea and ham soup. Have went back to normal fermenters as these can be easily thoroughly cleaned as I thought this might be the problem.

Did a sample couple of batches. One in a cube and one in a normal fermenter expecting the cube to smell of pea and ham soup and the other to be ok. Just straight K&K Mangrove Jacks lagers. Possibly pitched US-04/5 (LHBS recommendation. Can't remember) slightly high, 24-25 degrees, but apart from that everything as normal to how I've been brewing problem free. Fermented at 18degrees.

Both of these brews smell heavily of creamed corn. Are they both screwed or is there anything I can do? With the pea and ham soup brews I keg hopped the shit out of them and they weren't bad. Even good.


Ok. Definite creamed corn smell though.

Is it salvageable?
Hard to know without tasting it and my phone doesn't have that function.

Ferment and conditioning schedule?
Cans... Likely an infection. I recently had a DMS issue (ag) and upped my boil vigor and length... Gone!
manticle said:
Hard to know without tasting it and my phone doesn't have that function.

Ferment and conditioning schedule?

Pitched a bit high, as previously noted, and ferm at 18. Krausen dropped after 3-4 days then raised to 20-21-22 for a few days and here we are at day 10.
My guess is infection.

Not packaged yet? Condition out, carbonate and see if it goes away. If not, it's nuke time.
can you find someone close to have a taste and help you out.
No taste test needed mate. It smells more like creamed corn than creamed corn itself.

I'm thinking I just tip.
I'd say fermentation temps. are a bit high for a lager however are you sure the smell is not that sulphur smell you get with lager like Coopers European Lager? Also I would definitely have a taste before chucking out a whole brew.
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Ok. Doesn't look infected. I took a sample and it doesn't smell too bad in the glass or taste bad. I've kegged them anyway.
Ok guys.

Kegged on Sunday. Hit them with 30 psi for 24 hours then set to 10 and let be.

Both are pretty good. Slight twang but after a couple when you are used to it quite quaffable. Had a right old belly full last night as I was off work today and no ill effects so I'm guessing no infection.

Could I have been mistaking the co2 for a creamed corn smell? I took a big sniff and burnt my nose.

Anyway, most importantly, I didn't tip them. Thanks for the advice.
pipsyboy said:
Ok guys.

Kegged on Sunday. Hit them with 30 psi for 24 hours then set to 10 and let be.

Both are pretty good. Slight twang but after a couple when you are used to it quite quaffable. Had a right old belly full last night as I was off work today and no ill effects so I'm guessing no infection.

Could I have been mistaking the co2 for a creamed corn smell? I took a big sniff and burnt my nose.

Anyway, most importantly, I didn't tip them. Thanks for the advice.
Edit. Kegged Friday 20th.

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