The Brewcam Project

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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For you extract brewers who have been thinking about making the switch to all grain, your day has come.

The BrewCam Project began with a simple question: "Who wants to watch me brew through a webcam and have a chatroom for questions and answers?"
Well, the response was great, so I decided to start looking into it. Well, after a lot of thought and input from others, it was decided that a lot of the all grain process is like watching paint dry, (really nothing happening) and it would be better if the latent periods could be cut out. Thus, I started looking at doing a recorded broadcast.
Well, after many delays beyond my control, the BrewCam Project is finally complete and will go live next Sunday, January 8th, at 7pm EST. I dont know what this equates to your time in Aussie land, but I believe it is early Monday morning. Its kicking off about one hour before The Brewing Network usually begins. Anyhow, there will be a live chatroom for Q&A and Chris from will be there delivering prizes to some lucky participants! You can get a little sneak peek at the setup
Look under The BrewCam Project link.

Hope you guys enjoy it.
Thanks, KrOtChRoTT. Your name might be bloody awful but your intentions are grand.
did anyone alse see this?
I thought it was way drawnout and too much listening to tunes (could have been about 1/3rd th size) but it's a great way for newbies to see that there was no magic, incredible scientific apparatus or mega brewery equipment involved. Just a seppo with his hands in his hair too much (buy a hat) and a digi thermometer.
Too easy!

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