PM'd you - have your address now and will send it today. Cheers!irwazza said:Hey Lael, not sure if your PM inbox is full or not, but I have sent you a PM regarding my name on the list with nothing next to it.
zwitter said:Hey Marksey
If you ordered 2 extra you would end up with 3 as the kit included 1?
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
MarketLane said:1. Fatamorgana - paid + 1 extra probe paid
2. natdene - paid - sent3. Belter - paid4. gap - paid - sent, received5. hubert hophead - paid - 1xspare probe paid - Recieved thanks! 6. barneey - paid7. ArnieW - paid - sent8. The Judge - paid - spare probe paid - sent - received9. bowhunterslodge x2 - paid10. tateg - paid - 1 spare probe paid - sent11. LiquidCurrency - paid - 1 spare probe paid - sent12. rafinus - paid13. crazyhorse - paid + 2 spare probes paid - sent - Received (missing one spare probe)14. marksy (x 2) - paid - sent15. JB - paid - 2 spare probes paid - sent16. Oggie - paid 2x spare probes paid17. Masters Brewery - paid - picked up18. Cervantes -paid 1 spare probe paid - sent19.brewhart - paid - sent20. sipahono -paid - sent21. BobCharlie - paid - 1x spare probe paid - sent22. jubilakka - paid - sent23. CoxR - paid - sent24. Capnk - paid - sent25. breakbeer - paid - sent26. Oneeye - paid - sent27. screamadelica x2 - paid - sent30. Neo04 - paid - sent31. claypot - paid - sent32. Jase - paid - 2x spare probe paid - sent35. Bigbern - paid - 1 sare probe paid - sent36. the boy from tas - paid - sent - received37. stux - paid - sent38. Shaunous - paid - 2 x spare probes paid - sent39. jonasbegood - paid40. vooharmy - paid - sent41. Tassiehopper - paid 1 spare probe paid - sent received42.buggybouy - paid 1 spare probe paid43. Misterwilson - paid - sent44.matteus - paid - 1 x spare probe - sent45. parktho - paid - sent46. MrDave - paid - sent47. jabbos - paid48. 9finger - paid49. tommy160 - paid50. bigmacthepunker - paid - 2 spare probes paid - picked up51. nainsook - paid - sent received52. BazzaB - paid - sent - received & thanks53. zwitter - paid - delivered54. glen - paid - sent55. kiwisika - paid -56. sluggerdog - paid, 1x spare probe paid - sent57. smokomark - paid - sent58. SBOB - paid - 1spare probe paid - sent59. Marc280 x2 - paid - picked up60. Dug - paid - sent61. Siege - paid - sent62. Malty Cultural - paid - sent63.ferg - paid 1x spare probe paid - sent64. camelbak28 - paid - sent65. 620rossco - paid - 2x spare probes paid - sent66. Nick R - paid - sent68. Seemore - paid - sent69. Eucyblues - paid - sent70. Wort - paid 2x probes paid - sent71.Mar5T - paid - sent72. Rambo - paid + 1 spare probe - sent73. lynchman x3 - paid - sentx374. LarsjohanS - paid75. fortmonty - paid - sent76. zappa - paid - 2x spare probes paid - sent77. Pugwash - paid - sent78. noodslane - paid - sent79. Syd - paid - send80. Mardoo - paid -2 spare probes paid - sent - Received, including the 2 extra probes81. BlueMutt - paid - sent82. Wapehawi - paid - 1 spare probe paid - sent83. AndrewF - paid - 1 spare probe paid - sent84. northernbrewer - paid - 2 spare probes paid - sent - Received85. ramugupta - paid - 1x spare probe paid - sent - received86.niftinev - paid - sent87. bungelbear - paid88. Drunk Az - paid - spare probe paid - sent89. freelander2002 (x2) - paid91. Guysmiley54 - paid - sent92. Crozdog - paid - 1 spare probe paid - sent Received93. conjob - paid94. Chris_O - paid - sent95. Brendrage - paid - sent96. Guidos - paid 0 sent Received97. madhomebrewer - paid - ready for pickup99. MarketLane - paid - sent Received 100. mojonojo (parts) - paid101. Steward - paid , 2 spare probes paid - sent102. Reckless - paid - sent103. redlegger - paid - sent104. Dr Rummy - paid - sent105. bruiserbbq - paid - sent106. minikeg - paid - sent107. CCRacer - paid108. Kolodij - paid109. Grunta - paid - sent110. ken_gilchrist - paid111. eviltabouleh - paid - sent112.Tzoon - paid113.lespaul - paid - sent114.gunbrew - paid - sent115.hallze - sent116.Michael Burton - sent117.roastin - delivered119.irwazza120. Walkerdaddy - sent121. real_beer - paid, 1x spare probe paid - sent - Received122. nfragol -123. espreso124. Kingy - sent
hope you follow the supply/demand curve and start bumping those prices uplael said:I do have some spare kits if anyone now realizes they should have gotten onePM me.
Yes, I hope things have worked out OK with the $s for you Lael. It must have been hard with falling $AUD and uncertainty with components to not blow the budget. Massive effort getting all this together, amazing kit - I sincerely hope you can sell a tonne of kits for a bit of profit.SBOB said:hope you follow the supply/demand curve and start bumping those prices up![]()
I found the same thing (base of temp probe is too wide to sleeve inside a 1/2 inch fitting) - so I ordered one of these: said:I ended up drilling out my 1/2 threaded cap as mentioned here to put the temp probe though. It doesn't fit. The outer part of the temp probe is probably 1 mm too wide diameter wise.
Has anyone else done this yet with the kits probe?
Also if I cannot come up with an inline solution at the moment can I drop the probe into the mash / is the whole thing water proof? I'd prefer to have the temp control down near the bottom of the mash. So around 40cm into the mash.
What size is ours again?BobCharlie said:I found the same thing (base of temp probe is too wide to sleeve inside a 1/2 inch fitting) - so I ordered one of these:
Came to about $30 AUD inc. delivery (slowest shipping, untracked - so might take weeks/months to arrive)
Mate, Could you please write up some instructions on how to upgrade the software in a way that novices to the world of Arduino can follow??lynchman said:Up and running... i upgraded the software to 2.8 version and made a couple of changes.. i changed the names of the mash steps to name that i understand....
Happy days
I think Lael and Zwitter are working on this already, but couldn't hurt to have another simple guide while Lael's busycrozdog said:Mate, Could you please write up some instructions on how to upgrade the software in a way that novices to the world of Arduino can follow??
Lots of us would be grateful if you could do that & post it in the build thread.
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