The Beer Machine

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Hi Community,
Has anybody out there got/used/know of anybody with 'The Beer Machine'?
I have one ....sitting in a box on top shelf
and that is where it is staying..
Too fiddly ...Dont bother..
I haven't used it, and to me it looks like a waste of money... but here's some videos.

this one shows how to use it. Its not in english but it looks pretty easy.

this one show how to put it together

and this one shows doing a brew in it.

To pay $115 for the kit and then add postage i reckon you'd be up for nearly $200. All for a machine at the end of the day only makes like 5 or so litres of kit beer! PLus its sitting on the yeast cake so if you ever need to move it the beer will get all yeasty and you'll need to wait for it all to settle. You'd need like at least 4 or so to stay in beer because you'd have to wait a week or so while the beer ferments as well. Plus those co2 cartridges would get expensive after awhile, although i assume you can naturally carbonate to some degree, the cartridges are probably just for dispensing.

That money would be better off spent getting into biab or kegging, or ingredients, or a new pet, orbasically anything other than the beer machine. However if you've already bought it i'm sure it works well as a party keg, which is what i would use it for if i had one.

Edited to add~ I didn't see your post poppa joe, have you used yours as a party keg before?If so, how does it go?
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Looks like a hybrid between Mr Beer brewing system and Party Pig keg system. I suppose they are going for a small, simple turnkey system. Would wanna be good though for the cost of thier 'beer mix' packs.
I couldn't wait a week to run out of beer in 1 session.
:icon_offtopic: ^The beeps, the squeeks & the peeps, lol gold, god damn I love that movie
:icon_offtopic: May the schwartz be with you, Pennywise.
Thanks for all your replies. Reason I was asking is I am making my first brew with one and was seeing if there were any tips out there. Am at the stage of finishing fermentation and it's about to go into the fridge. I have had to down size due to space confinements from doing partial mashes and will be experimenting with modifying recipes using malts and grains to adapt to 10 lt.
As for it's 'point', it will be nice to have a small keg sitting in the fridge to tap pour a beer from. You can also bottle from it to get that next brew going, but, yes, it will have to be subsidized with the purchase of a slab.
Again, look forward to hearing from someone who has used one.
Funnily enough, I was reading this thread the other night.

May be of interest. Might sit in your fridge nicely.


BTW Dave, I just looked at "this thread" - pissa! But, two things. My wife's not going tolet me put that in the fridge, and he obviously doesn't have young children - "but dad drinks out of the herbicide sprayer".
Had one of those ages ago. Very hard to get the upper and lower halfs to seal properly, which resulted in several real messes. Not worth the money, IMHO.
Had one of those ages ago. Very hard to get the upper and lower halfs to seal properly, which resulted in several real messes. Not worth the money, IMHO.
I had that problem with my first one. I did the water test as they recommended with no problems, but when I did my first mix it started to leak after 24 hours - increased pressure from the fermentation!
Rather than follow their method of inserting the middle seal, I had a close look at how it needs to be and no problems now.
Did you get any brews out of it? What refrigerated pressure did you use? Taste?
I took one look at mine and......Put it on the shelf..
Not worth the trouble.......Brew in a fermenter and transfer..
May be a way...I only paid $5.00 at a Garage Sale....
A Party Pig is a keg...These are a pain in the butt...
There are parts that you have to continually replace...From USA..

Anyway you have one ..You have to find a shelf for shelf for yours..
PJ :rolleyes:

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