Tempmate Question

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Hi Guys,

Hope you can help me with something. early last year I bought a craftbrewer tempmate from a local homebrew supply. I'm only now just trying it out :rolleyes: I have been busy!

anyway, I have some time off work with the birth of my son. so what better time to finish some projects! :beerbang:

I'm having trouble setting up the tempmate ( now this could be my stupidity and lack of sleep)

I turn it on, using desk lights as the 'heating' and 'cooling' just to test it out.

set the desired temp. 30C
set the temp difference. 1C
then I press the set button again ( or let time out after 30 seconds) I get the -EE message. and nothing else...

nothing changes...

the amb temp is 25C.

I know the -EE message means the temperature sensor is open.

am I doing something wrong?
also, I didn't assemble the unit - it came assembled from the HB shop.
thanks drew, I had read through the tempmate instructions and still couldn't figure it out.

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