Tattoos - Who's Got 'em

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I have no tattoos or piercings. I own no jewellery, not even a ring. I have never worn a watch. I don't have a mobile phone

+1 on everything up to after the ring. I used to use a watch. When I retired, took off the watch and haven't had one since. No clock in the bedroom either.

although I work for 3 I am uncircu8#ised. I do not have a twitter account or a FaceBook account.

I am circu*#ised. I do not have a twitter or FaceBook account either

I am pure and natural. Although I'm getting on a bit now, I have always been a babe and have never had problems attracting booty.

Me either...but I may have been known to pay for it now and then....

The only reason I am posting this is that I have just drunk several pints of my high strength Edwardian Cream Mild Ale.

Yeah, and I may have just smoked some of last years hops

Thus, I have my priorities well sorted

Yup, I think so :lol:

You know that's a little bit like jumping on a homebrew forum just to tell everyone that you DON'T actually brew and your favourite beer is Geelong Bitter?

I may have eaten my cat.

My cat smokes san pedro.

Tough stickers..

Nothing worse than seeing a young shirtless male with " ******" tattoo'd down his arm, or accross their chest

Have worked with many guys with very nice artistic work that generally dont like to show it off

Tattoo's do not make you tough, they dont make you a man, they make you nothing if you dont appreciate the true meaning of art, and the artist who did it

Generally agreed but ******s are always going to be ******s so if they like to advertise it, it makes it easier for the rest of us to identify them as such.
you may be right.

I no longer care about tattoos. Your brewery is amazing. I have two pots, a steel colander, an old fridge and a laundry sink.

From what I read, much/most of it is homemade. Good stuff
I no longer care about tattoos. Your brewery is amazing. I have two pots, a steel colander, an old fridge and a laundry sink.

You also may have over 30 more years before your use by date than me....time for lots of stuff

From what I read, much/most of it is homemade. Good stuff

Thanks mate.

I have a big shed and a very nice engineering work shop to make stuff in.
The shed is why we bought the house really. :rolleyes:

No clean brewer, that is not acceptable to post pictures of people hanging by their genitals.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Didnt think it would have been, had to try though, couldnt believe what i saw when I received it in an email..

Interesting that this topic has just come up.

I was in a tattoo shop yesterday to see if they could tattoo my sons footprints onto me.

The consensus was considering how small the footprints were getting detail in them, to last would be impossible.
A few years down the track it would look like I had the 'Hang10' symbol inked on me.

So I walked away dejected.

Seems like I am better off to go to plan B which was to get something that represents him, that is easier to translate onto skin.
I am uncircu8#ised.

I am pure and natural. Although I'm getting on a bit now, I have always been a babe and have never had problems attracting booty.

The only reason I am posting this is that I have just drunk several pints of my high strength Edwardian Cream Mild Ale.

Jesus, what next?
These little late nite confessions are a mix of Shakespearean tragedy, unintended comedy and self praise.
They`re entertaining tho :lol:

Jase I think Im going to spew!

Anyhow what do tattoos have to do with facebook or mobile phones . They have being around much much longer. I don't think tattoos are a fad maybe the style of them etc... The tattoos of the moment are so much better then when I was in my twenties (that was the era of tribal bands) .. Kids seem to be going for the full body, including girls. And the work is amazing. I have seen a couple of mistakes which friends have done and not just regretable choices but artwork.

Hanging of hooks etc pretty sure that also comes from certain tribes... Didnt the Indians do it but through the nipples! I think Im going to faint!
The tattoos of the moment are so much better then when I was in my twenties (that was the era of tribal bands)

You Fibber, tribal bands were not around in the 1950's.
I used to know a skin head in England who had Made in Britian tatooed on his forehead. His mate who did it couldnt spell :lol:
Day 2.... 12th Hour...

....tatooed.... . His mate who did it couldnt spell :lol:

I couldn't resist. I apologise.

Yours is not quite the same as 'made in britten' in indelible blue ink, I know.

As an aside, it's amusing how the smallest bit of knowledge so many white pride types have is often of their own language.
I couldn't resist. I apologise.

Yours is not quite the same as 'made in britten' in indelible blue ink, I know.

As an aside, it's amusing how the smallest bit of knowledge so many white pride types have is often of their own language.

LOL, c'mom, this is a forum - of DRINKING TYPES ! The occasional understrike or mistype of a few letters here or there is a whole lot different to getting misspelt statements on your body for life. (but yea, I know it was just a lighthearted jibe - Im just being a drama queen). On the subject though, how the f**k could ANYONE not get their potential 'statement' tattoos proof read - and why aren't the tattooists geared up to 'phone a friend' if they are also not well versed in the language ? There's some beaties on Google images if you type in 'misspelled tattoos" (I would have done mispelt, but I digress). The classic twin theatre masks, with the words above each mask stating tradgey/comedy, a guy with a large old english back lettering that states I'm Awsome, another with Everyone Elese Does, and my personal fave being **** the Systsem.

These people would do well with follow up tattoo's of a Sinatra portrait and the words "Rergrets, Ive had Few" :D

Looks like pretty nice work happening there Jase... Grats.
Yea, the latest 'custom' job. I'm not entirely happy with the outcome, but it still kicks arse as a complete work.

I will get a good pic of my back and pm ya soon....
Youde better, or I'll come and torture you with a billion needle strikes into your back. Oh hang on, that's not going to bother you :D
Keep the gun runnin son!
To clarify, this work was completed three weeks ago, this is just the first photo I could post due to my PC's USB being *********. The day after that pic, in the third session, was the last round, and as I think I mentioned earlier, was a f**king gruelling day. You can't quite see it, but that top section is oozing plasma. I would not suggest to anyone that they go for a three-day-back-to-back approach. The body, and more importantly the brain, just isn't geared to accommodate that sort of physical stress. The next one I do of that size will be done like 'normal' (LOL) folks, and spread over a couple of months with breaks in between.

But alas, time was of the essence, so the bullet was bitten, so to speak.

Out of interest, and hopefully with accompanying pics, what time frame did you do you back work over ? If you tell me it was a single 40 hour session without breaks, I'm going to come across as a royal pussy. :p

On a slightly OT tangent (after all, this thread's already undertaken some very unusual twists), has anyone had their nipples peirced (Maybe Stagalee?! :eek: ). That is the single most painful experience I think I shall ever be a willing part of. Although the difference is, it's 1000 times more intense than, for example, my third day when my ankle bone & tendons were being inked, but the beauty is that with a nipple lancing it's over in a much shorter time.

Let's speak more on the pain factor. Getting upper arms tattooed.... really, it's a walk in the park. There's plenty of muscle, they're often of a small duration (ie a couple of hours - in which the endorphins can easily deal with), there's the muscular part of the lower leg, also not too bad until you start into the bone area, the tendons etc, there's the arse, which I reckon would be easy as... but how about the ribs area ? And the chest ? Ive heard that they are a royal b*tch.
Youde better, or I'll come and torture you with a billion needle strikes into your back. Oh hang on, that's not going to bother you :D

To clarify, this work was completed three weeks ago, this is just the first photo I could post due to my PC's USB being *********. The day after that pic, in the third session, was the last round, and as I think I mentioned earlier, was a f**king gruelling day. You can't quite see it, but that top section is oozing plasma. I would not suggest to anyone that they go for a three-day-back-to-back approach. The body, and more importantly the brain, just isn't geared to accommodate that sort of physical stress. The next one I do of that size will be done like 'normal' (LOL) folks, and spread over a couple of months with breaks in between.

But alas, time was of the essence, so the bullet was bitten, so to speak.

Out of interest, and hopefully with accompanying pics, what time frame did you do you back work over ? If you tell me it was a single 40 hour session without breaks, I'm going to come across as a royal pussy. :p

Sorry to ignore, I did read about your mighty farkin sittings and agree its the mental thats ends up getting ya! BUT again as you say; having it done is better than getting it done... so to speak!

Pics to follow, sorry; It was 4x 3 hours sessions all one week apart... Prior to the third session I had a mighty headache, to many+much the night before and dumped a mercyndol about an hour before heading in... anyway, the needle goes in, again, and I was like, HA when are you gonna start... ended up reading mags, laughing to much and chatting to some other dude, getting ink, who couldn't talk at the time [pussy ;-)] The next week came around and I thought hmm, those mercy's were the biz so dumped one again... the second the needle hit - threw a gut full across the shop! - Lucky I know the guys pretty well...

Anyway, Pics to come just need to get some good ones that show the detail in the job and not just some blurry phone shots....

BTW: Its all B&W... bad choice - now all I want is full on colour like I see in the pic on your leg/koi - IMO good choice mate!


EDIT: THE RIBS!! FAARRK... its like getting tickled with a soldiering iron!! By far my worst spot. I have calf, underarm and back done but the ribs... THE RIBS.... good luck with that.
On a slightly OT tangent (after all, this thread's already undertaken some very unusual twists), has anyone had their nipples peirced (Maybe Stagalee?! :eek: ). That is the single most painful experience I think I shall ever be a willing part of. Although the difference is, it's 1000 times more intense than, for example, my third day when my ankle bone & tendons were being inked, but the beauty is that with a nipple lancing it's over in a much shorter time.

Let's speak more on the pain factor. Getting upper arms tattooed.... really, it's a walk in the park. There's plenty of muscle, they're often of a small duration (ie a couple of hours - in which the endorphins can easily deal with), there's the muscular part of the lower leg, also not too bad until you start into the bone area, the tendons etc, there's the arse, which I reckon would be easy as... but how about the ribs area ? And the chest ? Ive heard that they are a royal b*tch.

I had both my nipples pierced, if you think it hurts bad during the intial piercing, I can tell you that it hurts even more getting them torn out. I now have slightly mangled nipples.

I agree about the pain factor of tattoos on different parts of the body, upper arms (outer) is a breeze, calf doesnt hurt much, tattooing over the shin and achilles hurts like a mongrel and the upper inner arm isnt too pleasant either.

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