Table Tennis Mayhem

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Recently, after a couple of homebrews, my house mate and I decided that we were in need of a table tennis table. Unfortunately we did not have the finances or the room to turn this dream into a reality. However we soon came up with a suitable substitute, a converted kitchen table. Once our minds were made up and our hearts were set we trundled off to the local shopping centre to pick up some bats and balls.

With our brand new equipment in tow we set about the task of clearing the kitchen and designing a net for our new makeshift table tennis table. Once the hard work was out of the way it was game time. We had decided on playing five sets each consisting of first to 21.

The game was going along well, I was ahead two sets to one, when disaster struck. While I was leaning back to smash a mean forehand down the line, my hip collided with my full fermenter. The fermenter contained a nice little Bohemian pilsner in its primary stage. By some stroke of misfortune, when my hip met the fermenter it hit the tap side on. The force of the contact caused the tap to fly across the room and land on the stove top. With the removal of the tap there was now nothing to stop the almost fermented liquid from gushing out of the once plugged hole. At this point I was not aware of the damage that my attempted winner had caused so when this cool, wet substance began flowing onto my leg I got quite a shock. Once I turned around I soon realised what I had done and through pure instinct shoved my index finger into the hole where the tap should have been. My housemate hurried to my aid with about four bath towels. Now at this point I was not as concerned about cleaning the mess as I was about saving my brew. Once I had conveyed my priorities to said housemate, with my finger still firmly implanted within the fermenter, he reacted quickly and provided me with a new tap that had been quickly rinsed in hot water. After some more spillage the fermenter was once again sealed.

So I now have the anxious wait to see whether or not these antics will result in an infected (reduced size) brew. I get the feeling that the replacement tap was not as clean as it could have been and that my finger was far from sanitised.

The whole incident left me a lttle bit shaken and after the clean up had been undertaken the match was resumed. Unfortunately I was unable to regain my previous from and ended up losing the game 3 sets to 2.
Gold, mate. Pure gold.
Hopefully it won't get infected. Perhaps, if it survives, you could call this one "Ping Pong Pilsner"?
It's a pity it was a pils, and not a dutch lager.....that would have been ironic. :p
:lol: ha ha thanks for the laugh this morning! Sorry to hear about the lost beer and the lost game :(

It probably won't get infected. The alcohol in the brew should be enough to stave off any problems.

Cheers - Snow.
'Ping Pong Pilsner'

Or... if it's infected, just 'Pong Pilsner'
Good job your finger didnt get stuck. Imagine rocking up to casualty with a half full fermenter attached to your hand :lol: :lol: :lol:
Good job your finger didnt get stuck. Imagine rocking up to casualty with a half full fermenter attached to your hand :lol: :lol: :lol:
Tell the nurse to cut the finger off but drop spill the 15l of handy anesthetic.... :party:

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