Sydney 2007 Ahb Crawl "the Day After"

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Red Rocket Brewery
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Well just want to say what a great night, just got home.

Woke up this morning to find the cars front left tire flat as a pancake and had to change it out with this monster of a headache that I've still got now.
A big cheers to the boys that turned out it was great to see you all again.

Im off now to sink a packet of panadol's

cheers and beers
Well just want to say what a great night, just got home.

Wow! Must really have been a big night for you, Franko. You seemed in good form when we shambled off. A great day with good beer and better conversation. :beer: :chug: :super:

Hope the medicine does the trick. (Take some aspirin rather than panadol though.)
Super effort Franko :beerbang:

Last I saw you were jumping in cab around 6pm saying "Lowenbrau" Must have been a big night. Great to meet everyone and enjoy some good beers, even if the Riverview didn't have any ESB <_<

I've just made it home now.
A big night. Last bit I remember from the crawl was trying to justify to Hopeye why I wear a watch (this was at the James Squire Brewhouse).
From their I met up with Mrs Doc for a big Pork Knuckle at Maggies @ Potts Point before crashing at the hotel abosolutley **** faced.
Top day, all round.
Cheers guys.

It was great to catch up & enjoy a few beers on a perfect Sydney afternoon. The Riverview were asked if they had enough beer early in the week, so I have no idea what happened there.

Kev & Ben from Crackenback made the effort to join us at The Sackville. Plenty of compliments for their Pale Ale, a very sessionable drop. The Erdinger was awesome, I will be dropping past there for a middy later this week on my way back to the golf shop. The Royal Oak & The Welcome were 2 pubs I haven't been to in ages, The London was the end of the day for me.The arrival of my ride home seems to have been perfectly timed as there was still some cash left in my wallet this morning. I had hoped to have a few bets on the horses, but forgot. When I checked the results this morning all my tips ran no where! Great result :beerbang: Heap of glasses here too????

Congratulations to those that made it to the City. I hope you had plenty to drink at the JS Brewhouse.
I will look at getting a few more "Beers with the Brewer" sessions happening over the next few months.

It was great to meet up and put faces to all the names/handles and have a beer and ask for advice.
Great company indeed!

I wish I turned up earlier for the full crawl, but I'm not complaining about the lack of a hangover the next day!
Top day everyone! Great to meet many of you I hadn't before & catch up with the rest again.

Great weather, nice beer & excellent company - what more could you want.

Franko, don't for get the keg & logo ;)

Gerard, I wondered if those glasses survived the trip home. B)

I spent the day recovering by getting ready a 10 year olds birthday party then taking 10 kids ice skating.


Crozdog aka "The Little Brewer"
On the way to the car (the missus was driving) I found a bottlo with quite fresh Tim Taylor Landlord so I had to get a few bottles of that which I downed once I got home, seemed like the sensible way to end such a day and make up for lack of ESB, didn't seem so sensible on sunday morning-had to go to a christening!
Awesome day, thanks alot to Gerard and the other organisers.

:D I'd forgotten the conversation about the watch Doc!

Great to meet up and chat with people whose eyes don't instantly glaze over at the mention of mashing temps etc.

I left the same time as Doc (about 7ish?) and went around to a friends place whose baby shower I had missed earlier in the day, I carried a mini keg of about 9lts up the road and staggered back with a bottle of LCPA as a roady at 4:15am :huh:

Needless to say I was feeling slightly off colour yesterday :excl:

Cheers to all :beer:

Oh **** !!!! Where am I ???? :eek: :eek:

Good day had by me..... I seem to have lost my hat somewhere along the way ??? :angry:

Woke up on a train at Penrith Sunday Morning ann carried on at Panthers..... :blink:

Good thing the wife thought I was sleeping over at a friends.......
Thanks to everyone for the great company and a top arvo. The Crackenback Pale at the Sackville was a real standout for me - never had it on tap before & it was just superb.

Was funny about the empty keg of ESB at the Riverview - particularly when the locals said "noone here drinks that ****" - well someone must have!!

Can remember rambling on at various points to Jon (?) aka Shonky (?)and also Offline. Good luck with the Ballarat study Jon.

Ran out of steam about 5.30pm so the Ferry ride to Pyrmont was the end of me.

Hope you backed a few winners Duff & thanks again guys.

I had a looong day at the Show the next day. No rides for me!

Enjoyed meeting and getting to know the good folk from here. Thanks to all those involved in the organising. I salute you all :beerbang:

Ps My highlights were the 6 laps we did of the habour, and Pumpy's asking why there were waves :ph34r:
Yes it was a great day (especially for me since it was my first - when I told Trev this he said: "You lucky bastard")

It was a great opportunity to meet some other brewers and taste some beers which I wouldn't usually have the option of down here in Lion-Nathan-Land.

To Hopeye: looks like I still owe you one. You have it on my honour to repay it next time! Don't worry I won't forget.

Ps My highlights were the 6 laps we did of the habour, and Pumpy's asking why there were waves :ph34r:

Yes Jimi, the impromptu harbour cruise was a definitely unexpected highlight! That and the fabulous beers at the Lowenbrau and Belgian......mmmm Tripel Karmeliet....

Unfortunately couldn't move at all on Sunday - stayed in pj's for most of it!!!! and I definitely found it hard to go to work today.

Highlights in beer for me were the Crackenback (extra hoppy as Kevin admits) and the Little Creatures - very refreshing as usual. Was very disappointed with the Coopers on tap at the London - can anyone say 'aspirin'? The carbonation was waaaaayyyy off.
I had a looong day at the Show the next day. No rides for me!

Enjoyed meeting and getting to know the good folk from here. Thanks to all those involved in the organising. I salute you all :beerbang:

Ps My highlights were the 6 laps we did of the habour, and Pumpy's asking why there were waves :ph34r:

Ha! Ha! Did I say that ,I tend to get deep and meaningful when on the harbour it mesmerises me, I could have stood there all night on that ferry it was a blast . :D

I liked the Krakenback and the Erdinger ,

You could not be with a better bunch of guys and girls everyone held there ale with dignity .

I landed with a couple of heavy drinkers in Kabooby and Redbeard we had drank six schooners in the first two pubs, I was thinking how I gunna keep going at theis rate :unsure:

Must say Frankos Sister in law also impressed drinking a litre stein of DunkleWeizen and held it with one hand .

I landed with a couple of heavy drinkers in Kabooby and Redbeard we had drank six schooners in the first two pubs, I was thinking how I gunna keep going at theis rate :unsure:

Hey Pumpy,

I'll have you know that for my height I am of an average weight, not heavy :D

Thanks for the lift home, much appreciated. Standing at C'town station at night waiting for a taxi would not have been the best way to end the night.

My favs were the Erdinger and the Hoegaarden.

Had a great time and thanks to everyone for the company.

I must admit that I have forgotten most people names already, but I remember the beers.

Maybe next year we can go to Germany? :rolleyes:
"Maybe next year we can go to Germany?"

now that would be a crawl and a half


Howzabout the Czech Republic before they get duped by the EU?

See youse there, when I own a bit of the Budweiser State Brewery.

Seth :p
No one take any pics on the day?

Cheers Ross

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