Sweet Stout FG

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Hi guys. Have had my Sweet Stout fermenting for 2 weeks now at a steady 18-20 degrees. Last 2 days gravity reading 1022 Brewmate saying Fg should be 1013.Is it normal to be this high for this style of beer. Added 1kg of Malto.dex at flameout.
What yeast did you use, what was the grain bill, what was your mash schedule?

TBH, I don't look at the FG prediction on brewing software. I don't know if it has an advanced way of weighing up your grain bill, mash temp and yeast variety but I highly doubt it. I much prefer to look at past batches, comparing the grain bills, yeast type and mash temps to guess at a FG.

Edit: Also, whats your OG?
Yeah I probably should have elaborated.

50 litre Batch

12kg Grain

OG was 1060

S-04 x 2
What was the grain bill made up of? Some grains are less fermentable than others.
Pale Ale Male 5.8 Kg
Munich 1 4.0 Kg
Black Patent 0.9 Kg
Crystal 80 0.9 Kg
Chocolate,Pale 0.6 Kg
With a kg of maltodextrine which you have added which is apparently highly UNFERMENTABLE and 7% crystal, my bet is that its finished fermenting. That maltodextrine has probably added about 6 points to your FG so if its giving constant hydro readings of 1.022 I reckon its done.
Cheers danestead. Time to bottle up. Thanks again for your help man.
Nah the Jamp2511 was started by my wife as she is a casual brewer. Thought I would get my own.

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