Sunshine Coast Brewers

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Thanks Pete, no harm In Trying eh?

As for Poms.... Mate, I was born in Crown Street Maternity... Surrey Hills, Sydney..... I just talk funny that's all.
i-a-n said:
Mate, I was born in Crown Street Maternity... Surrey Hills, Sydney..... I just talk funny that's all.
No Worries I-a-n Bribie loves everyone from both the Old Dart & in Oz even if they come from over the border. :rolleyes: :lol:
Keep in touch.
Hey Ian,

I've been keen to meet up with other brewers, and even know Pete (not TidalPete, even though I've met that dodgy bastard too haha :D jokes, you're a good bloke Pete)
I'll pencil in a beer at CBX next Wednesday, I guess I'll find ya with Pete?

Don't give up, but as T.P. said distance is our enemy for a few quick beers.

I think we should look more to meets at someones place that can offer floor space for swags, enjoy yourself and sleep it off before driving. I'm very keen to see SCABS up and running, I tried before but it died a slow and painful death.
Nice to see another with the idea, best of luck, perhaps a meet at the BatCave in the New Year?

TidalPete said:
:super: :lol:
Well that's us taken care of Pete :party:

Sorry I can't have one before, seems a bit of work is looming for me.

Hahaha, I think I need to head up to yours soon too Pete :) a good book on brewing in a chair next to your beer fridge would be bliss :D
Just so you aren't counting down alone Ian, I'll come down for a lemonade and say hello.
Is something happening?

The place is heaving, blokes are starting fights on the street to get in through the crowds. The cops are doing their best to try and keep order. There's beer flowing like water in a qld flood!
Sorry I couldn't make it tonight, sick partner and thus had to look after my little boy. Hope you had a good night :)
We finally got some order to the place and have been able to hold a meeting of sorts, much drinking occurred, and a provisional committee has been elected under the guidance of The Grand Poobah.
He has decreed that in the interest of the members safety and in an attempt to bring real order to the club the next meeting shall be convened one month from today at a venue yet to be decided. This venue will be publicised via this forum as soon as is practicable., the major worry being finding somewhere large enough to accommodate the entire membership and the anticipated crowd of newcomers.
Thanks for organising that Ian, was good to meet some like minded people. Looking forward to next time!
No worries Mike, likewise.... Now we've got our club up and running we can list it officially... Complete with dates and venues.
Ok for the next meeting folks?

Wednesday 27th August. 7pm. Golden Beach Tavern.

We're nothing if not mobile.... Try and find the best venue to accommodate the crowd that's due to show.