Summer Ale Advice

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Hi all,

I am wanting to brew some sort of summer ale. I am using a Morgans Canadian Light can of goo, 500g light DME, 500g dex, US-05 yeast and have temp control of 18 deg.
I have the following hops and I'm wondering if someone has any advice on what combinations to use:
-40g of Galaxy, Nelson Sauvin, Perle and Chinook pellets
-10g of Amarillo pellets

A mixture of dry pellets of galaxy and chinook did smell very nice. Has anyone used a mixture of these and what sort of results did you get?
Did a toucan recently with 15g Galaxy @30mins, 10g Galaxy 10g Amarillo @10mins.
quite nice. Chinook and Galaxy go together quite well if you are after a bit of LCPA style brew.
Did a toucan recently with 15g Galaxy @30mins, 10g Galaxy 10g Amarillo @10mins.
quite nice. Chinook and Galaxy go together quite well if you are after a bit of LCPA style brew.

Does sound pretty good, I imagine grapefruit and passion fruit could go well together. Maybe bitter with galaxy but do some 30min and after additions of Chinook as well as galaxy ?
I ended up putting in 10g of Galaxy at 30 min, 10g Galaxy + 10g Chinook at 15 min and 10g Nelson Sauvin in at 5 min. I wasn't going to put in the Nelson Sauvin but the three on my plate together did smell nice and fruity. I will give you an update on how it turns out.
For those that want to know how it turned out, the results were pleasing. At the end of primary fermentation I was worried because it tasted like passiona soft drink. After 2 weeks in the bottle it was still a bit like fruit salad crossed with beer. By week 4 it had mellowed and turned into a very tasty, bright ale that went down a treat on hot QLD summer days. Will definitely make again but may add more malt.
Hi, I do a golden/summer ale with POR for bittering, amarillo for 10mins and Neslon Sauvin at flame out. I do a 50l batch and use 40g POR, 40g Amarillo and 35g Neslon...Nelson can overwhelm and so can Amarillo, but used together in moderation make a very subtle, but noticeable combo for ales that is quite unique.
I layed down a tin of coopers pale ale with the yeast collected from a longneck and fed for 48 hours on LDM. Took a bit longer than normal to complete fermentation and for the bottles to get reasonably carbonated, but mate this is the epitome of a summer ale, not quite spot on to the commercial version, but really nice with a very sweet aftertaste.

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