To those who can't see the worth in brewing a high alcohol beer...
I say where is your sense of adventure
Creating a high alcohol beer with some intensely rich flavours that balances well is an artform (one I don't claim to be particularly good at... yet), as is brewing anything specific that requires some thought and experimentation.
I of course understand that very few people could, or would want, to sit around and drink something that is 15% out of a pint glass all afternoon. I certainly don't, and I brew 4-5% beers for that purpose.
But what about for those after dinner-party drinks? The bottle of something special you stored for 5 years to see what would happen?
The big beers I brew aren't for quaffing, they are for ageing and enjoying at special events where it is nice to have something different that I made myself. Sure it's not eveyones cup of tea, but something I am finding fun and rewarding at the moment.
I agree with Fatgodzila, and others here in one regard.
If you only want to make a high alcohol beer to get para off, then good luck, enjoy the headaches and when you want to start making beers that taste like beer and not vodka and soda water, this site will be waiting for you