Stout Recipe Advice

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Hop extract brewer
Reaction score
Irish Stout
Taste Rating (50 possible points): 35.0
Brew Type: All Grain Date: 7/01/2009
Style: Dry Stout (Irish) Brewer:
Batch Size: 45.50 L Assistant Brewer:
Boil Volume: 50.00 L Boil Time: 60 min
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75.0 %

6.00 kg Pale Malt

0.90 kg Barley, Flaked

0.90 kg Cara-Pils

0.80 kg Roasted Barley

0.50 kg Chocolate Malt

60.00 gm Goldings, East Kent [5.00%] (60 min)

Yeast: Wyeast 1084 Irish Ale

Are any of the specialty too much or too little? Beersmith calculates 16.2 IBUs - where the guidelines are 30 - 50.

Please let me know what you think!
If its an Irish (dry? stout why the cara pils?
Also if BS says the IBU's are low either rack up the EKG or, more economically, put in some higher alpha acid bittering hop until at least 30 is calculated. The roast barley will give some perceived bitterness but it really does need at least the 30 suggested.
Cheers from Mile End currently in a black out....
Agree with enoch on both the carapils and the hopping. 16ibu in this would be too sweet (even for me, and thats saying something. ;) )
Thanks guys...

I got this recipe off an american site link. It looked simple and had lots of good reviews...

Maybe it wasn't a dry irish stout but something else...

Anyways - I won't brew it - going to go with a tired and true stout recipe that Dr Smurto gave me... at least then I know that it has the potential...
Thanks guys...

I got this recipe off an american site link. It looked simple and had lots of good reviews...

Maybe it wasn't a dry irish stout but something else...

Anyways - I won't brew it - going to go with a tired and true stout recipe that Dr Smurto gave me... at least then I know that it has the potential...

More exciting if you brew your own recipe? Not that I am knocking Dr S - My first AG will be his golden ale (making within a week I hope).

:icon_offtopic: How is the dry month going?
Hey Phillip,

With that recipe, add some lactose and you have got yourself a sweet (milk) stout.

Doing a Dry stout i would go somethig like

70-75% Pale malt.
15-20% Flaked Barley
8-10% Roasted Barley

40 IBU EKG (60MIN)

10% of roast barley sounds high but it will help push the dry roastyness (like Guiness). Im folling the recipe by Jamil in "brewing classic styles" when i do mine. Simple as always, but im sure it would be a hit.

More exciting if you brew your own recipe? Not that I am knocking Dr S - My first AG will be his golden ale (making within a week I hope).

:icon_offtopic: How is the dry month going?

Yeah that is true...I want to get some experience with some ingredients before I start to make my own recipies (also want to get a book first - 'designing great beers').

Dry month? It is going great. Allowing some beers to condition and also brew some more - I do it every year so I can proove to my girlfriend that I am not an alcoholic...