Storing Beer Once It Is Primed And Bottled

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hi guys,

although ive been brewing for a little while im trying to refine my process a little. up until now once i bottle my beer ive been storing it at the temp i brew it at for around two weeks to condition the beer.

my question is - is this necassary or can the beer just be stored in a dark place (eg cupboard) or even refrigerated straight away..

the reason i ask is i brew my beer in a small metal box (similar to an esky) and control the temp using frozen soft drink bottles. storing the beer once bottled at the brewing temp means i cant bottle another brew for at least two weeks and i cant afford a fridge to ferment in at the moment.

i have searched the forum wiki but havent had any luck.

can any help with there opinion/thoughts

it would be much appreciated.. life is to short to have to wait to be able to brew beer.

thanks aaron
mate i store mine i a darkened room,with a towel over to keep out the light,i dont keep chilled,they go into the fridge two days before i need them ..i had no issues..i wait for 4weeks
it would be much appreciated.. life is to short to have to wait to be able to brew beer.

agreed :D right into the cupboard at room temps mate (ales).. I dont know about Lagers as Ive never done one.. as you say.. lifes too short
agreed :D right into the cupboard at room temps mate (ales).. I dont know about Lagers as Ive never done one.. as you say.. lifes too short

cheers guys,
thanks for your help.. off to bottle my brew now. hope to have another brew on later today..

cheers aaron
Just to answer in a bit more detail - once bottled, your beer needs to be stored within the yeast's fermentation range so that it can carbonate. That will depend on the yeast but usually ale fermentation range is fine. Once it's carbonated it can be stored in the fridge or just in a cupboard somewhere but if you put it straight in a fridge, the yeast will become dormant and won't carbonate the brew. Result = flat beer. Wait till it's the level of fizz you want before making it cold.

If the weather is hot, your beer may carbonate in a few days. If kept at ale ferment temps it will usually take a week or two. Yeast is a living organism and doesn't always act according to our preferred time schedule.

You shouldn't store your beer too hot once carbonated as this can give undesirable flavours.

The beer will condition and mature when cold, cool or even a bit warmer (cool/cold is better) but hot can make it taste shite.