Storing After Lager Process

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Hi guys,

I am fairly new to home brewing and have lagered my latest K&K batch in a cube over the last month.

As i am keen to free up the fridge space to start a new batch(es) am i able to take the cube out of the fridge, bottle it and store outside of the fridge in a cool spot without impacting the effect of the lagering?

Thanking you in advance
Once you bottle then it goes into the phase of ageing and not lagering as generally you've just introduced some fermentables to carb up the brew. Do you have another cube/fermenter to start another brew with? If so if there is a spot you can place the cube which will be cold then that will allow it to continue to lager around 5C?

edit - oh and welcome to the forums Dj
Thanks for the quick reply.

I have my fermenter to start the next batch off but as that will be in the fridge @ 12 degrees i wont be able to ferment the new batch and continue to lager the previous one @ 3 degrees.

so i guess im trying to see if my process will work or if it will present any problems or issues.

1. Ferment in temp controlled fridge (12 degrees).

2. Rack and lager in fridge (3 degrees).

3. Prime, Bottle and store outside of fridge in a cool, dark area.

4. Repeat steps 1-4.

As i am looking at building up the stock levels will this work or is my process flawed and will lose any effect the lagering has on my brew?

WARNING!!! I'm not a brewing expert like some here, this is based on my limited experience.

If you've had that brew lagering for 2-3 weeks or more, I usually try to slowly raise the temp up to
the average storage temp you'd expect it to be in (For me in Melb winter - usually about 12deg average)
Preferrably over a few days (not sure if it's important but slow change is usually better than rapid ones)

Prime and bottle (sorry, yes I still bottle) store as cool as you can.

That's what I've been doing the last couple of years with results that please me.

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Fermenter2 Modified ESB kit Czech Pilsner
Fermenter3 Bostons Czech Pilsner
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