Steeped Versus Dry Hopped

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As far as flavour and chemical changes are concerned, whats the difference between adding hops at the start in the fermenter and adding hops after racking (or adding to the fermenter after FG)? How does the fermentation process affect the flavour of the hops? Im trying to understand why we do what we do.

Any info would be apreciated. I welcome a technical explanaation also.
Adding hops to the primary is still called dry hopping. It is steeping when the wort is still hot.

The reason why we do not put hops in primary is the fermentation. When fermentation occurs, carbon dioxide is produced, some of which dissolves in the wort/beer at fermentation conditions and the rest bubbles out of solution. This action of bubbling out of solution produces a "scrubbing" effect, where the compounds in non-isomerised hops (perhaps someone more knowledgable on the chemical makeup of hops can tell you exactly which compunds) are drawn out of solution and out of the wort/beer with the carbon dioxide. In other words, dry hopping in the primary fermenter (before the bulk of fermentation) is pointless.

I don't believe adding hops to the primary will affect the fermentation in any way; unless you're from Queensland or USA where hop additions are measured in kilograms :)
As far as I know dry hopping at racking stage is good for hop aroma.
As to dry hopping at start of fermentation is pointless, if it is dry hopped for the aroma of the hops, as the co2 just pushes the aroma out. Although it may smell great while fermenting, it just push's the aroma out.

I have only used POR hops, and not sure if it puts taste into brew, can someone shed light on this for me?

I have a brew fermenting now and on the 7th march I will be racking to secondary with dry hopped POR.If I leave the secondary for a week at 18-20* also the same time and temp as primary, can I then cold condition for the 3rd week at 4-5* before bottling? I am bulk primming to, it's a kit and extract brew, and a 8% , :beer: My first big beer. It is day 5 and still bubbling, once a minute though.

Anyway any info will help me too. Please correct me if my explanation of aroma hopping is incorect,but that's what I think I know about dry hopping. :unsure:
"I have only used POR hops, and not sure if it puts taste into brew, can someone shed light on this for me?"

One of fav hops is POR, i bought a kilo of flowers in the bulk buy and have used some in 80% of all my brews, love it.
"I have only used POR hops, and not sure if it puts taste into brew, can someone shed light on this for me?"

One of fav hops is POR, i bought a kilo of flowers in the bulk buy and have used some in 80% of all my brews, love it.

How do you use the flowers? I thought people on this forum don't like bulk buy's cause it put's LHBS out of business? that's what was said to me when I was lookin for a brew club. this was said something along the lines of "I hope you don't want to join a brew club just so you can make bulk buy's, as this run's HBS out of business". If I can get hops cheaper by bulk buying I am interested but not a kilo probally 200-300g as I only use 15-20g per brew.

I don't want my LHBS to go under either
How do you use the flowers? I thought people on this forum don't like bulk buy's cause it put's LHBS out of business? that's what was said to me when I was lookin for a brew club. this was said something along the lines of "I hope you don't want to join a brew club just so you can make bulk buy's, as this run's HBS out of business". If I can get hops cheaper by bulk buying I am interested but not a kilo probally 200-300g as I only use 15-20g per brew.

I don't want my LHBS to go under either

As long as your not exclusively buying in bulk, I don't think it would harm HBSes. I'm not saying don't support your HBSes, I enjoy being able to talk to someone real in this hobby, but if you know you need a lot of one ingredient, doesn't seem to hurt to buy them in bulk. Plus, HBSes are important for people to get into the hobby, as they can tell you about pitfalls etc. (At least my homebrew guy did :) )
I will stick to the LHBS as I get good info their, as well as good ingredients.
I have my POR hops in the fridge till wensday is that fine for them? As they came out of a fridge.
I wasn't regularly going to a HBS at the time, coz all the ones close to me sucked, so i thought screw you guys im getting some cheap hops, then i found a decent shop in mhb and every week or so i go for an hour long ride each way to get whatever i need.

Use the flowers the same as you would plugs or even pellets, careful tho, too many flowers in the kettle can make draining a pain, pellets are small flowers are big.

If you use flowers to dry hop, make sure they are contained in a ermm.. container coz they can be a hassle when it comes to bottling/kegging.
Stick em in some tupaware and in the freezer and they'll last a year, beer programs can estimate the AA% loss for you as well which is really handy.
I go to MHB also takes about half hour to get their.

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