Please tell me which is best? I'm in the process of building a keezer and I currently have two keg King temp controllers, but I see most of you run the stc 1000?
I use the KK controller for my fermentation chest freezer. Why? Because it was on the shelf in my LHBS and easier than having something wired up. Can't fault it.
I've got 4 of the older keg king controllers running 4 Chesties , 1 one my 500 ltr keezer, 3 on my 300 ltr fermentation/lagering Chesties . Had them all for 3 years now, no issues and still all going.... Touch wood
Please tell me which is best? I'm in the process of building a keezer and I currently have two keg King temp controllers, but I see most of you run the stc 1000?
[SIZE=11pt]I use STC 1000 cheap and reliable. I like the look of the Inkbird though and will probably try one next if one of the STC packs up. Not a lot more than an STC build if you can get one when they are discounted. Or you could try to win one if they have another giveaway. [/SIZE]