State Of Origin 2010

  • Thread starter bradsbrew
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How good is the Queensland side.

NSW Dave Taylor is gunna hurt ya.
The NSW selectors really $hit me. Kurt Gidley captain!

serenity now

I cant stand football, or many other sports that involve chasing a ball around.
just a big bunch of sweaty homo's grabbin each other....
(waits for it)..... ^_^
The NSW team has some really shocking selection decisions, yet again.
NSW always play people out of position, which I like as a Queenslander.

I think the biggest problem is NSW give a player 1 or 2 runs then dump him if he has a shit game. QLD don't have as many players to pick from so they get a few runs and are better for it. Justin Hodges for example.

That said, for some reason Gidley made it this year, and Trent Barrett made the team last year....

GO QLD!!!!
Trent Barrett made it last year and did a great job, and is the best 5/8 available for NSW.

Gidley on the other hand isn't the best fullback. Hayne and Dugan at least are better than him.
Even if they kept the same players and went for:
1 Hayne
2 Morris
3 Cooper
4 Lyon
5 Tahu
6 Gidley
7 Kimmorley
it would be an improvement.

WTF are the selectors on?
WTF are the selectors on?

What are they on.............................................I'd say they're on their knees praying QLD doesnt totally smash them in the first half.

I am liking the way NSW is talking up the Biff. Bring it on.......Bring back the BIFF.
We will win it in the forwards the qld pack has nothing apart from thaiday and taylor they are all has beens or never weres, i am spewing about gidleys selection though let alone his captaincy.

Suck it boys! 5 times lucky?

About time you got out for good behaviour :p
Go the toads!
Edit: triple effected typingwebk

Suck it boys! 5 times lucky?

LUCKY? More like class over arse!

WITRM would want to not want to be a BORN & BRED QUEENSLANDER????



Hey chap chap we will see who are the homos on wednesday, even if we dont win the game we are sure to win the stink up. Carn NSW!
Hey chap chap we will see who are the homos on wednesday, even if we dont win the game we are sure to win the stink up. Carn NSW!

Good to see you've given up on their footy skills and are hoping they can fight. Btw you wont win the fight either.

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