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Hey guys,

Just a quick question, I just rigged up a temperature controller to my fridge (thermostat) and its working great however i made a few mistakes. I am brewing a Coopers Pilsner and used yeast who range is 18-32. I pitched the yeast at 23c however due to the mistake on my temperature controller, overnight the temp went down to 14.5. I have since resolve the problems at its now at a constant 21c and bubbling away. My question is will this affect the taste of my beer. My past beers tasted like crap due to high amounts of acetaldehyde and diacetyl due to lack of temp control, i guess i want to know if this batch is going to end up with the same problem.

My question is will this affect the taste of my beer. Thanks


21 is a tad high - 14 would be preferable if you could be sure you had a lager yeast. But it's probably an ale yeast... and 18 would be better until it gets near to finishing. then you could raise the temps... a bit.

You'll be fine! Keep it consistent...

21 is a tad high - 14 would be preferable if you could be sure you had a lager yeast. But it's probably an ale yeast... and 18 would be better until it gets near to finishing. then you could raise the temps... a bit.

You'll be fine! Keep it consistent...

Thanks, appreciate it. I have brewed about 5 batches previous to the temp control and they were undrinkable