Square Fermenters ?

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Big John

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I'm slowly building up my brew experience & process. Up until now I've only done Ales (and 2 Bocks in winter when under the house was the right temperature))
I've now got an old Fridge hooked up with a FridgeMate to control the temperature and feel ready to take the Lager step (in summer no less)!
For my Ales I leave them in the Fermenter for 2 weeks so I manage to keep the stocks about stable (consumption = supply).

I understand that Lagers should be fermented for up to 6 weeks. This means consumption <> supply as it is too hot to ferment outside the fridge - and now that i have the fridge I don't want to arse around with blocks of ice like last summer.

One way to counter that would be to ferment 2 batches at once - but how to fit them into the fridge?

I can fit 1 round fermenter in my fridge but think i can fit 2 25Ltr cubes side by side.
I suspect I'd have to drop to 20L batches to ensure there is enough room for the Kruezen.
I was thinking I could cut a hole in the lid for the airlock or use gladwrap and an elastic band.

<end story - queue question>

Do others use cubes for fermentation - especially Lagers?
How do you manage it / what is your setup?

Or is there a flaw in my logic and there is a way to keep my beer supply flowing at the same speed for Lagers?


I use a cube from time to time. Will be actually doing exactly that in a few hours. I wouldn't cut the lid, the glad wrap would work, but I just loosen the lid a little.

I only use the cube for fermenting with no chill beers. I don't transfer a chilled beer to a cube to ferment.

Give it a go, it will work fine for you, just make sure you clean out the cube straight after it has finished or it will be quite hard to clean (but rice can help you out with that)

just be aware when using cubes for fermentors, the yeast will be square, if you don't filter it all out at the end you can cut your tongue on the sharp edges.

..just kidding. cubes are fine for fermenting!

sanitise them appropriately, and either no-chill them or fill with your chilled wort, pitch, and cover the lid with some gladwrap. some people screw the lid back on but not tightly (otherwise big boom)
I used to use cubes all the time for fermentation and in fact I prefer them to the normal barrel fermenter. They work great, go for it.
Thanks for the quick replies

In retrospect it seems like a dumb question but then I like to cover all bases before I try something different.

And I don't like to waste beer due to bad planning.

The square yeast scares me a bit but I think that I can filter them out effectively :huh:
just be aware when using cubes for fermentors, the yeast will be square, if you don't filter it all out at the end you can cut your tongue on the sharp edges.
Thats excellent advice, you'll also need square kegs to put the beer in and square glasses to serve it in.Other than that too easy.
I don't understand all this hooha about square edges. If you can't handle your beer in all its sharp glory then just take the edges off with a wood rasp or router.

Even a bit of sandpaper would do the trick.

Namby Pambies.
Getting a square flame from the burner is the hardest bit....took me ages to get a good square flame...
Cleaning is probably the biggest issue with fermenting in vessels that only have a little lid.

I fill mine to the brim with cold water (I know, I know - I keeeeel da planet) and add two tbsps of napisan. Clean as a whistle without so much as a scrub in 24 hours.

I have an airlock in the lid (drill hole and add bung) and there's about 2mm of headroom when it's in my fridge - which is a tiny bar fridge.

Watch for taps - they can be a big issure when cramming them in.
Cleaning is probably the biggest issue with fermenting in vessels that only have a little lid.

I fill mine to the brim with cold water (I know, I know - I keeeeel da planet) and add two tbsps of napisan. Clean as a whistle without so much as a scrub in 24 hours.

I do the same. No keeling of da planet because the water is re-used (either to clean something else or to water the veges, herbs and hops). Nappisan/sodium percarb/whatever is biodegradeable.

Jut make sure you do it straight away.

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