Spent Grain What To Do With It ?

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Seriously, if he overdoses it'll kill him...... it's your call, just giving you the warning.


I never knew that either and I gave it to my goats years ago, they loved it. Does in bloat them Ross or is it actually toxic?

Seriously, if he overdoses it'll kill him...... it's your call, just giving you the warning.


I've had this goat for 12 and a half years. Also his twin sister. Both have eaten spent grain for a couple of years without a problem. I think the key is not to over do it. I usually feed it to them over a couple of days. Goats are known as a poor mans cow and they have a very similiar stomach set up. Cows eat spent grain as well, but the same thing, you can't over do it. He even likes abit of beer.
Yeah i would say BG goats gut would be use to the spent grain by now.
Where as is you took a goat that had been on forage only for its entire life then gave it a few KG of spent grain it could end up with acid gut problems.

Even then, as mentioned if you only give say half kilo amounts each day for a week they would prob be fine as long as they have grass or hay to eat as well.

Whole grains are better for small ruminants where as cows and horses can tolerate crushed grain better.
It was a thread by goatherder that first brought it to my attention

Thread here

Cheers Ross
take spent grain.. re-infuse it with CSR sugar.. resell spent grain to unsuspecting brewers as "fast-conversion grain" :ph34r:
Bluey loves the stuff!

on a more serious note in the past I have innoculated spent grain mixes with mushroom mycelium (after sterilization/pasteurization), works fine for growing a nice bed of edible mushrooms if you can get clean spore or mycelium. Although a single batch of AG grains is a significant amount of material to sterilize, which is best, though pasteurization is not that difficult, as its pretty much pasteurized right from the mash tun due to mashout temps :)

I don't even like mushrooms, in fact I hate the taste, but they're pretty and fun to grow. Maybe a mushroom eating AG'er would be more interested in it than I was. I can see it would be another craft/hobby to add to the repertoire of DIY foodstuffs (beer, wine, cheese, next.. mushrooms).

[if someone is seriously interested in giving this a go I can track down some shiitake spore/mycelium or other edibles. And no, I won't help you find spores for the psychoactive/poisonous mushrooms!)
Anyone know what micros and commercial breweries do with their spent grain? I have seen some newer (big)brewery designs use it as fuel to provide power to the plant which sounds interesting. Micros would produce a consideral amount I would have thought, where does it go?
I mix mine in with my vegie garden soil.
Anyone know what micros and commercial breweries do with their spent grain? I have seen some newer (big)brewery designs use it as fuel to provide power to the plant which sounds interesting. Micros would produce a consideral amount I would have thought, where does it go?
I mix mine in with my vegie garden soil.

What happens to your spent grain Ross?

on a more serious note in the past I have innoculated spent grain mixes with mushroom mycelium (after sterilization/pasteurization), works fine for growing a nice bed of edible mushrooms if you can get clean spore or mycelium. Although a single batch of AG grains is a significant amount of material to sterilize, which is best, though pasteurization is not that difficult, as its pretty much pasteurized right from the mash tun due to mashout temps :)

I don't even like mushrooms, in fact I hate the taste, but they're pretty and fun to grow. Maybe a mushroom eating AG'er would be more interested in it than I was. I can see it would be another craft/hobby to add to the repertoire of DIY foodstuffs (beer, wine, cheese, next.. mushrooms).

[if someone is seriously interested in giving this a go I can track down some shiitake spore/mycelium or other edibles. And no, I won't help you find spores for the psychoactive/poisonous mushrooms!)

Good Idea! Spent grain would be a great medium for many varieties.

I know Punkin is the king of mushrooms with many varieties to offer. He sure knows his ****!!! I'm not sure if he uses spent grain though.
Anyone know what micros and commercial breweries do with their spent grain? I have seen some newer (big)brewery designs use it as fuel to provide power to the plant which sounds interesting. Micros would produce a consideral amount I would have thought, where does it go?
I mix mine in with my vegie garden soil.

Few of the Vic micros have a deal with local farmers. The farmer gets free grain for his cattle as long as he picks it up from the brewery. Brewery gets to dispose of their left overs for free and farmer gets free cattle food.
Few of the Vic micros have a deal with local farmers. The farmer gets free grain for his cattle as long as he picks it up from the brewery. Brewery gets to dispose of their left overs for free and farmer gets free cattle food.

Same thing happens in Brisbane, except instead of giving the spent grain to cattle, Ross shovels it out to fat heifers in Logan.
Very interested in what happens to spent grain in the city.

i have on a few occasions a ute or 2 waiting outside the malt shovel brewery in camperdown

i presume they were chook farmers

anyone in inner west sydney have chooks that need feeding ?
I wonder what kind of efficiency they get? When i'm broke i could borrow a ute and fill up a 44 with some. Give it a little sparge and make some beer :)

I have been giving my grain to the neighbours chooks. Last week she was away so i had to do something with it. I put 5kg in the bin then thought better of it. The rest (15kg+) was distributed evenly over the lawn.

I'm not sure if it was the 5kg in the bin or the 15kg on the lawn, but it smelt like **** for a week. Note to self, don't brew the day after bin day.

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