Well-Known Member
Im just reading through "designing great beers" and im on pg 64 where the table is telling me that 22 pounds of spent grain absorb 4.75 gallons of water so 10kg of grain absorb's 18L of water. I certainly don't get that much absorption loss in my 50L braumeister. How iv'e always done the calculation is just take grain weight in kg and account for the loss in Litters. So 10kg of grain will absorb 10L of water. Iv'e always been spot on within 1 litter with my volumes so im a little confused how he's got that much loss? Am I missing something here? :blink:
Im just reading through "designing great beers" and im on pg 64 where the table is telling me that 22 pounds of spent grain absorb 4.75 gallons of water so 10kg of grain absorb's 18L of water. I certainly don't get that much absorption loss in my 50L braumeister. How iv'e always done the calculation is just take grain weight in kg and account for the loss in Litters. So 10kg of grain will absorb 10L of water. Iv'e always been spot on within 1 litter with my volumes so im a little confused how he's got that much loss? Am I missing something here? :blink: