Here's the specs I have for Bairds Crystal Malts
Bairds Crystal Malt - Pale
Colour 109.3 EBC
Extract 75%
Moisture 4%
Distinctive yet subtle caramel, toffee flavour,
Also Improves head retention, aroma & body.
Bairds Crystal Malt - Medium
Color 154.1 EBC
Extract 75.1%
Moisture 4.2%
Distinctive medium intensity caramel, toffee flavour,
Also Improves head retention, aroma & body
Bairds Crystal Malt - Dark
Color 258.4 EBC
Extract 75.1%
Moisture 4.2%
Distinctive intense caramel, toffee flavour,with hints
of burnt, roasted flavours. Improves head retention, aroma & body.
Crystal or Caramel malts have a distinctive toffee flavour, which becomes more intense as colour is increased, and at the higher end of the colour range burnt or roasted malt flavours may begin to appear. Traditionally in the UK, Crystal malt of colour 70 -80 ASBC has been used at about 5% of the grist to give the characteristic colour and flavour of UK Bitters and Pale Ales. Adjustment of the amount and/or colour of the Crystal malt may brew some very distinctive beers, but this may require some careful experimentation. Crystal malts have been used in the brewing of Lager beers, but considerable care is required to ensure that whilst a distinctive flavour is achieved, the crystal flavour and colour does not become too dominant. In all beers they can help prevent the formation of oxidised (cardboard) flavours
Hope this helps