Well-Known Member
Yeah? Elaborate?
There was a thread, about a year ago, i'll see if I can dig it up....
NickJD, I think it may have been one of yours no?
Yeah? Elaborate?
Fellow Northside Brisvegan, don't forget that raising mash temps changes the conversion of sugars from starches.
Lower Mash temp = more fermentable sugars (and thinner body), higher mash temps = less fermentable sugars (and thicker body, lower alcohol). Higher than 78 degrees will increase the probability of extracting tannins and create astringent beer.
Not sure about the effect on efficiency.
I'm picking up what you're putting down, but i mean just elevated mash out temp which = lower viscosity therefore more sugar extracted from the grain.
Speaking of Nth of the river... where do you get grain? I was getting small amounts when i was partial-BIAB from one place, but last time I tried they were out of stock of what i wanted, then out of stock on the sub, and then out of stock again on the sub of the sub. Consequently I got sad and haven't been back...