Spent last night reading the lambic lesson you mentioned above manticle......... awesome information resource.
I have double vac sealed all my hops and buried them in the deep freeze but i had a couple of pound packs of saaz and hallertau i got from the states a while back left out.
I have just run them through the grain mill to break them up, and will begin the long aging process. I may take some and speed up the process in the oven at low temp for a day for the first batch but in a couple of years i will have genuine aged hops
I think i might go with a raw wheat / Belgian pils grist for 1.052, and do a long winded turbid mash with a 3 to 4 hour boil.
I am even looking into oak casks
I know a bloke in the wine industry and i can get a french oak white wine cask but it will be 225 liter which is a bit big
Im after 20 to 50 liters