Here is one to try .
1 can Coopers Sparkling Ale
500g Light Dry Malt
200g Crystal Malt
250g dextrose
300g Wheat Malt
15g Pride of Ringwood Hop Pellets
20g Sazz Hop Pellets for dry hopping
US 56 Yeast
Put 2ltrs water in boiler and add crushed crystal malt, bring slowly to the boil while stirring crystal malt now and again.
When nearly boiling take off heat and strain out crystal malt and sparge the grains with a little hot water until you have approx 5 to 6ltrs in your brew pot.
Put back on heat and bring to the boil and add POR pellets and boil for 20 minutes.
After 20 minutes add LME, Dextrose, Wheat Malt, and Can of Coopers Sparkling Ale.
Boil another 5 minutes then strain into a fermenter ( I add ice to my fermenter to get temp down)
Add water to 20ltr mark and add yeast when temp is below 18C.
Ferment at 18c for 7 days and rack into clean fermenter and add sazz hops as for dry hopping.
Leave another 7 days and check SG. Its should be about 1010 or below.
Bottle or keg as usual.
Leave it for 4 weeks before tasting.