Some People Just Dont Get It!

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Old Thunder brewery
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I went to the local german club last night for some weisswurst and saurkraut (yum yum). While there i sampled the munich dunkel on tap, and it was beautiful!. I've only had it at the oktoberfest, but i'd had a few dabs, so wanted to taste it by itself. Anyway, while im there sipping my dunkel, there's two blokes sitting right next to the bar drinking none other than crown lager!!, i couldn't believe it!, im not in the habit of knocking beers, but, this club is probably the only club for 100 k's that has imported beer on tap, and they're drinking crownies. Goes to show, you cant put brains in idiots!. What also ***** me, is, now im gunna have to try and make a dunkel, just another style im gunna have to have a crack at!, decisions, decisions..........

Rant over :)

P.S anyone got a munich dunkel recipe?? hahaha
its a very sad, and horrible fact, where ever you go, it will happen, i have seen the same at the belgian place, but, i fear, i saw worse, i saw a table of drinkers on nothing but carlton midstrenght......

30 odd fine imported beers from my spiritual beer home, and this lot were on carlton :beerbang:
WHat can you do! Every now and then I bring a few home brews in to work. Comments from the Crownie drinkers are always like "oh its got a lot of flavour"
in a somewhat derrogatory manner. WTF do you reckon when megaswill lager has had everything good sucked out of it. I've given up trying to convert them

P.s. They think Crown is Premium beer :lol:
Crown lager is not tasteless. It is absolutely foul tasting.
Crown Lager is just an everyday scrubber (Fosters) in her Sat. night bonk me gear bottle.

Why does a different bottle shape make people want to spend more? Sure Freud could spend a day on that one.

Warren -
mje1980 said:
I went to the local german club last night for some weisswurst and saurkraut (yum yum). While there i sampled the munich dunkel on tap, and it was beautiful!. I've only had it at the oktoberfest, but i'd had a few dabs, so wanted to taste it by itself. Anyway, while im there sipping my dunkel, there's two blokes sitting right next to the bar drinking none other than crown lager!!, i couldn't believe it!, im not in the habit of knocking beers, but, this club is probably the only club for 100 k's that has imported beer on tap, and they're drinking crownies. Goes to show, you cant put brains in idiots!. What also ***** me, is, now im gunna have to try and make a dunkel, just another style im gunna have to have a crack at!, decisions, decisions..........

Rant over :)

P.S anyone got a munich dunkel recipe?? hahaha

I have a Dunkel Lagering and it ready for bottleing. Know the Club well and I might stop over this afternoon for on or two.
mikem108 said:
WHat can you do! Every now and then I bring a few home brews in to work. Comments from the Crownie drinkers are always like "oh its got a lot of flavour"
in a somewhat derrogatory manner.

I've given up trying to convert them


I get similar comments at my work. "Oooh, that tastes strong" with no indication that it's a good thing. They are used to drinking flavourless swill.

Stone Brewing say, IIRC, "Fizzy yellow beer is for wussies".

...or from Unibroue: "Drink less, drink better".

Don't give up trying to convert them. I have had some success, and the converts will help you to spread the word, too. Testify. :beer:

Seth :p
Most of my megaswilling mates usually give me lines like

"...never tasted a homebrew yet that's any f@#$in' good!"

So on the never ending quest to educate these prats I have decided to make a ESB Australian Draught 3kg kit.
They say this is close to a "New" style, so I'll keg it and keep it aside for the megaswillers. Maybe then, it may just convince them that a homebrew can "taste good" <_<
Once over that hurdle, I can introduce them to some real brew and maybe convince them to brew their own.

Funny you mention a dunkel recipe...

My typical grain bill will be:

(try to make everything German if you can... say a 23L batch)
46.5% pilsener - 2.5kg
46.5% Munich - 2.5kg
3% chocolate - 150g
3% cara-aroma - 150g
1% carafa 1 - 50g
SG - 1052-1058
SRM - 21-24

Technically it's almost a schwarzbier, but the roastiness is balanced well with the toasty sweetness, so you could call it either way.

Bitter with Halletau Mittlefruh at 60, finish with similar amount with less than 2 minutes to go. You want to hit about 20IBU, 25 perhaps. Based on 23 litres at that gravity, normally 35-40g of Halletau Mittlefruh at 60 will do the job, and around 10-15g with less than 2 minutes to go.

WLP920 - Old Bavarian Lager is the ticket, but take your pick.

You can do a double decoction (protein and saccharification) if you want, but generally just do rests at these temps. 90 minute boil, make sure you follow the fermentation temps correctly.
quincy,your mates comment about h,b sound like my older brother and brother inlaw. when i offer them one of my brews they say,nah i,ll stick with a real beer! my reply is always well what the f^$# do you think this is ya ******. it seems that some people are beyond or incapable of being educated. sad really.
I must be lucky. All of my mates except for a few are happy to visit and spend the night swilling my HB. I think they got the point that I wasn't drinking the HB to save money when they saw that I still had about a dozen cases of Tooheys New sitting in the corner going off left over from a party and yet was by preference drinking the HB.

OTOH maybe I'm not lucky - they manage to drink a heap of my HB each visit :(.
Dunkel boy, can i use a higher proportion of munich?? ie 70% munich 20% pils??. i LOVE munich!!!. Also, what other yeasts do you recommend for dunkels??
mje1980 said:
Dunkel boy, can i use a higher proportion of munich?? ie 70% munich 20% pils??. i LOVE munich!!!. Also, what other yeasts do you recommend for dunkels??

I can't see why 70:20 Munich:pils wouldn't work wonders. I've also seen the opposite, mostly pils with 20-odd-% Munich, and pure Munich for the base malt wouldn't surprise me either.

Any yeast with the words "German" and preferably Munich or Bavaria will suit well. :D I think Salager 34/70 might do the trick too. 920 is great, but I can't see why it should be the only one to use... look around, see what you like!
Speaking to the bottleshop bloke after my girlfirends' brother's wedding about Crownies

"Yeah, tradies love 'em"

I had a giggle...


(I appreciate there are probably a few tradies on here - no offence meant)
Darren said:
Crown lager is not tasteless. It is absolutely foul tasting.

I couldn't agree more.
Ill have a crowny with my mates but everyone concurs that my allgrain on tap beats the comercials My dunkels have shrunk from 100% munich to 40% and 60% pils and disapear fast :chug:
In blind tests I have been part of, probably half the population can't tell the difference between crown and fosters. The ones that can tell, say there is not a great deal of difference.
sosman said:
In blind tests I have been part of, probably half the population can't tell the difference between crown and fosters. The ones that can tell, say there is not a great deal of difference.

Could be a good reason for that

I was a brewer for Fosters Brewing Group for 6 years, so what I'm about to tell you isn't a load of ********!!
No-one believes me when I tell them this, but Crown Lager & Fosters Lager are the SAME BEER!!! I find this amusing because no self respecting Aussie would be caught dead drinking a can of Fosters, but they will glady pay twice the price for a bottle of Crown.
Crown Lager is simply a good batch of Fosters, (with respect to its specifications - colour, bitterness etc), that has been double filtered.
I challenge anyone to tell the difference between the two beers.
Boleslaw the Brave - you have NO IDEA what you're talking about mate. For example, there are no artificial colourings in any beer made by Carlton & United Breweries or the Fosters Brewing Group - they use caramel to adjust the colour to the correct specification. Yes, they do use artificial hop extract, but it is only used to bring the batch of beer up to the correct bitterness specification. They actually use "Pride of Ringwood" hops in most of their brews. There is no "artificially" carbonated water used at all - yeast produces more than enough CO2.
Get your facts right before spouting your mouth off pal.
Oxford beer database -Crown Lager post by Anonymous
I too have cringed at the sight of guys drinking crown at the belgian bar in Brisbane. What really amused me is they were trying to impress the girls they were with, and one of the girls was drinking a bottle of Chimay (not sure exactly what) but I did have to stop and wonder.

Fosters and Crown larger, humm have to organise a blind taste test for the judges at the LHBC.

I will tell you what really gets to me, and it might just be a backwater brisbane thing but you go out to a decent restraunt, and ask what premium beers they have and yep you guessed it, we have crown larger sir. I said premium beer, not what fancy bottles. To add injury to insult some places have BYO wine, but not beer, and no premium beers your expected to sit back and suck down megaswill.
I wouldnt mind guessing that melbourne bitter and victoria bitter are one and the same also.
