I went to the local german club last night for some weisswurst and saurkraut (yum yum). While there i sampled the munich dunkel on tap, and it was beautiful!. I've only had it at the oktoberfest, but i'd had a few dabs, so wanted to taste it by itself. Anyway, while im there sipping my dunkel, there's two blokes sitting right next to the bar drinking none other than crown lager!!, i couldn't believe it!, im not in the habit of knocking beers, but, this club is probably the only club for 100 k's that has imported beer on tap, and they're drinking crownies. Goes to show, you cant put brains in idiots!. What also ***** me, is, now im gunna have to try and make a dunkel, just another style im gunna have to have a crack at!, decisions, decisions..........
Rant over
P.S anyone got a munich dunkel recipe?? hahaha
Rant over
P.S anyone got a munich dunkel recipe?? hahaha