Solids Coming Out...

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Hi guys,

I thought I'd do a quick gravity check on my current batch to see how it's all going. It's been bubbling away steadily for a week now. There was a LOT of fermentables that went into this batch (it's "Uncle Arthur's Famous Falling Over Water" that I got from Brewcraft - it was the name that drew me in!).

When I opened the tap to fill up the hydrometer, a lot of solid-ish gunk came out. I don't know if it's undisolved fermentables or just a yeasty gloop collecting on the bottom - 'though judging by the colour, I'd say it's a yeasty gloop.

Is this going to cause me any major dramas? I will probably have to rack it into another fermenter before I bottle to make sure none of comes across, but I just wanted to check I haven't stuffed anything up.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

dont worrry about that goop to much it is just some of the fallen yeasties.
i get it all the time and if you have made a brew with lots of extra bits i would rack it off to the secondard soon as it has nearly hit fg then continue to forment untill finished (is it an ale or a lager) if its anle i would not even refridgerate it on the second ferment .
just give it a slight wirl to activate the yeasties to finish.


Don't stress. I open and drain a glass (small) to clear out the tap before doing a refractometer or hydrometer reading. Just get that clear beer for the readings. Ater primary, rack to secondary for a few days to clear the beer. Rack to bottling bucket with sucrouse and bottle (if that's what you do) or keg, gas and enjoy.

I have a slops jug in the shed that cops the first ~200ml from the fermenter before filling the hydrometer tube and then my tasting glass.
It is just yeast sludge. All normal.

Thanks guys,

I didn't think it was a major issue, but because I've never encountered this before I just wanted to make sure all was good. I can sleep easier tonight now :)

Out of curiosity, has anyone else made this particular brew? I just want to compare notes on it, 'tis all.

It's almost finished fermenting - the airlock has slowed down dramatically - and I did a bit of a taste test. It reminds me of ginger beer - a weak tasting ginger beer, but there's definately an element of ginger-ness to it.

Overall, it's not too bad and I think it's gonna be a nice drop when it's matured (and a dangerous one to boot. 11% by my calculations)
Out of curiosity, has anyone else made this particular brew? I just want to compare notes on it, 'tis all.

It's almost finished fermenting - the airlock has slowed down dramatically - and I did a bit of a taste test. It reminds me of ginger beer - a weak tasting ginger beer, but there's definately an element of ginger-ness to it.

Overall, it's not too bad and I think it's gonna be a nice drop when it's matured (and a dangerous one to boot. 11% by my calculations)

Hi Brad,

How did this turn out for you?

I've got the ingredients for this one, based on the brewcraft brewing book and will look at making this one up after my next batch (Castle Lager).

So if you are still roaming on this site I'd be keen to hear what notes you may be able to share on this brew.


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