So, you've got a coalition.

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wide eyed and legless

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Oh, they have have all those things. How much of the populace would have slept last night, if it was known, the reason was to enforce and expand the hegemony of the US?
Every one has the capabilities to go to war neglecting protocol and rules of engagement, as IS has shown we just need a leader strong enough to neglect those things and lead the alliance on an equal footing.
A good read into the history and lead up to what's been happening over there.. Compare this to Libya which is basically a lawless state after being the most developed country in Africa even providing subsidised food and cheap petrol.

Assad kept that country free of radical violence for a very long period until the foreign money poured in
Syria and Libya both ruled by tyrants keeping the populations in check, good thing is about tyrants is they don't last.

Interesting warning by Chris Hitchens.
wide eyed and legless said:
Syria and Libya both ruled by tyrants keeping the populations in check, good thing is about tyrants is they don't last.

Interesting warning by Chris Hitchens.

I stopped watching when that guy said the Bin Ladens want to redraw the map and make an Islamic caliphate, that's a conspiracy..

America has been supporting groups in that area for a long time, they are illegally bombing a sovereign nation for a problem they created. I've seen videos of their moderate rebels eat the hearts of the people they have killed and behead others. Not to mention the flase flag that was the chemical weapons attack, now they've built up momentum with ISIS they'll have ground troops in not too long and Assad hung in 2 years. And for what?

And to say Gaddafi was a tyrant is quite bias, yes he ruled that country but he also provided the highest living standards in Africa, provided education, he gave a lot back to the people and also put in place the world's largest irrigation project among a lot of other things. He was propped up by the British and US and when he stopped being their play thing, the propaganda wave started.
It's the blood moon tomorrow. End times. Ebola is the last plague. Repent, whoremongers.
motch02 said:
I stopped watching when that guy said the Bin Ladens want to redraw the map and make an Islamic caliphate, that's a conspiracy..

America has been supporting groups in that area for a long time, they are illegally bombing a sovereign nation for a problem they created. I've seen videos of their moderate rebels eat the hearts of the people they have killed and behead others. Not to mention the flase flag that was the chemical weapons attack, now they've built up momentum with ISIS they'll have ground troops in not too long and Assad hung in 2 years. And for what?

And to say Gaddafi was a tyrant is quite bias, yes he ruled that country but he also provided the highest living standards in Africa, provided education, he gave a lot back to the people and also put in place the world's largest irrigation project among a lot of other things. He was propped up by the British and US and when he stopped being their play thing, the propaganda wave started.
Are you referring to the Halabja chemical attack?
Gaddafi was a tyrant, responsible for the deaths of thousands of anyone who opposed him, whatever he did for Libya he was doing more for himself, ironically it was Assad who was the whistle blower on Gaddafi to buy some time for the pressure being put on himself.
There are no excuses for atrocities committed by tyrants, sad thing is it will keep happening till the end of time.

One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution, one makes a revolution in order to establish a dictatorship.

George Orwell
:icon_offtopic: Found this while doing a google on chemical weapons in war.
When asked by National Geographic if tear gas should be used on civilians, Dr Jordt’s response:

Tear gas under the Geneva Convention is characterised as a chemical warfare agent, and so it is precluded for use in warfare, but it is used very frequently against civilians. That’s very illogical.

As it stands of the coalition goverments dont use it on their enemies but do use it on us civilians. So whos the real enemy ?
motch02 said:
No I'm referring to the events last year where Obama had looked to get in to Syria, by blaming an attack using chemical weapons on Assad.. it's misinformation to gain support but didn;t work

If you want to hear about real tyrants:

Always talking about democracy yet willing to overthrow democracy
I'd hardly describe a theocracy where every aspect of governance and the lives of the citizens, not to mention the constitution must adhere to islamic (sharia) law as democratic. In any case, decisions handed down by Council of Guardians (conveniently appointed by the 'supreme leader' and a handful of sympathetic jurists) can veto laws and reject candidates as they see fit. Not to mention they 'supervise' the elections - results and investigations.

And BP? So a multinational is guilty of screwing the locals. Well, hold the ******* phone.. The place to come for up to date facts about a situation halfway across the world, as well as a complete factually accurate account of middle eastern history and the involvement of the USA in the same over the last 100 years.