So What Is Your Next Equipment Project

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I have a few big plans that i will be carrying out soon

1. build a metal stand/frame

2. Change the pipe work around and use tri-clover fittings and butterfly valves for everything post-boil (whirlpool, chiller, Cyl.con. fermenter)

3. discard my old (new) mash tun and build a new one with a SS jacket to run hot liquor through to keep the temp up rather than re-circulating. re-circ will be for clarifying only, jsut before sparging.

going to double the cost of my brewery but well worth it i think.

dude, you won the paddle.

are you going to give any of us a chance this year?

Half way through my 3 tier AG stand. Had to give the welder back to my mate for a few days for work :(
New boiler is done, mash tun is 90% done, HLT is 60% done.

Have a element coming from G&G so need to get a digital controller for it to complete my HLT.

Then it's easy days of brewing for me :)

Oh and a big spoon!

From there, back to my keg setup and start over, the cycle will never end im thinking...
I have a few big plans that i will be carrying out soon

1. build a metal stand/frame

2. Change the pipe work around and use tri-clover fittings and butterfly valves for everything post-boil (whirlpool, chiller, Cyl.con. fermenter)

3. discard my old (new) mash tun and build a new one with a SS jacket to run hot liquor through to keep the temp up rather than re-circulating. re-circ will be for clarifying only, jsut before sparging.

going to double the cost of my brewery but well worth it i think.

dude, you won the paddle.

are you going to give any of us a chance this year?


My paddle winning beer, and all my other comp entering beers this year were brewed at least 6 months ago with my old 18L SS pot and a plastic bucket with a SS mesh in the bottom.... thats it. I dont tihnk I will enter any more comps, it isnt really fair anymore. :D

I'm planning to weld together a single level brew stand and add a pump to move liquid around and so I can use a HERMS like system. Finally getting rid of the manual labour and lifting hot water. I'm also going to get a fermenting fridge. I've been balancing plastic buckets on my outdoor furniture for so long and I need a better system. They're gonna be much easier brew days ahead. Christmas break will be spent WELDING!!! :beer: (and drinking).