So What Is Your Next Equipment Project

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Pumpy's Brewery.
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Inspired by others I am going to make a outside the fridge fermenter temperature contoller what You doing ?????

Completing my AG systems is still on the cards. Gotta finish my thinking on the brew stand and get the valves mounted in the pots along with the immersion heater. And NO pumpy, I'm not going a handheld one...yet :D
Completing my AG systems is still on the cards. Gotta finish my thinking on the brew stand and get the valves mounted in the pots along with the immersion heater. And NO pumpy, I'm not going a handheld one...yet :D

Its going to be great Mika_likamake sure you post a pic to encourage others

Pumpy :)
I am begining construction of a 6 line glycol temprite tower..

(best description/name i could come up with...) :)

I'll give a quick rundown of what im looking at doing..

I have my 6 tap font upstairs...

Kegs and temp controlled homemade glycol pack downstairs..

glycol pumped up to the 6 tap font and then on return through a 30-50mm pipe containing

6 stainless individual 8mm beer lines..

The beer will travel through approx. 3meters of stainless line surrounded by the opposite flowing glycol...

the idea is to produce an inline Temprite...with the minimum beer line length possible..

(to reduce the amount of keg pressure required to push the beer up)

while still bringing the temp of the beer down to the preset tempreture...(or close enough)

The glycol pump will be (hopefully) switched on and off when required so that during "downtime" the glycol returns to the glycol pack to reduce the work of the refridgeration unit..

The glycol "Tower" will have to have a self-priming system but i believe i have that worked out now....

Plans are drawn and hopefully construction will comence in the next couple of weeks...

just need to save approx $350 for all the stainless tube and compression fittings..

SQYRE... :super:

Everyone feel free to pick the crap out of this plan as i may have overlooked a potential problem..

and i'd like to explore all posibilities before the $$$ outlay... :blink:
:eek: :eek: :eek: now that is a grand project Sqyre

I need to ditch the pluto gun and get a bar going. I have a chest freezer that I want to put wheels on. then I hope to be able to wheel this out to the deck and slot it into a long bar. ambitious project but we'll see how I go.
Dual inline Hopbacks. One is good. Two will be awesome.

I need to ditch the pluto gun and get a bar going. I have a chest freezer that I want to put wheels on. then I hope to be able to wheel this out to the deck and slot it into a long bar. ambitious project but we'll see how I go.

if you like Eric Clapton as much as I do you must be an old fart no wonder we both got a Pluto gun Coodgee we gottta move on

pumpy :)
well, i just scored a keg fridge and associated kegs and bits. I just need to get me some gas and i'm a kegger.
well, i just scored a keg fridge and associated kegs and bits. I just need to get me some gas and i'm a kegger.

Goatherder you will never look back kegging is the way too go i had 300 bottles I got none now

Pumpy :)
I'm going to build me one of these...

AG Brew stand

And i've got to do it before the missus moves back to WA :beerbang:

With the recent gift of a 40L urn in need of a bit of TLC I am going to cobble together an allinone setup.
coodgee,instead of putting wheels on the freezer why not put rollers on some ply (or several sheets for strength,maybe an old bench top from a cabinet maker?) then you dont have to worry about drilling into the body of your freezer...cheers..spog..
coodgee,instead of putting wheels on the freezer why not put rollers on some ply (or several sheets for strength,maybe an old bench top from a cabinet maker?) then you dont have to worry about drilling into the body of your freezer...cheers..spog..

Bit like what eddie Murphy used in the film 'Changing places'

pumpy :)
I want to do a collapsable three tier brewstand so i can fold it into my shed when its all done for the day

By the end of the year :rolleyes: a complete rebuild of my brewery plus after all the great bars shown on AHB ive been inspired to build a bar incorporating my 4 tap flooded font.Gotta include the fridge/freezer to hold my awaiting 6 kegs and also include a stainless conical in the process.Ive a few things up my sleeve but will keep them hush till i get around to them.
Wouldnt mind scoring a walk in coolroom either.Could double as my yeast lab. :rolleyes:

Big D
Ive got my AG system built and running well but now i need to build a stand for it!
Just some minor tweaking.

I'm in a bit of an "if it ain't broke don't fix it" phase... The only things that would make me change my setup are if it's either going to improve the beer (probably not) or make the brewday shorter/easier without compromising the quality of the finished product (more likely).

In reality there'll probably be a couple of small changes;

1. The purchase of a Chillout Plate Chiller. Not to use as a wort chiller per se. I'll be sticking with my immersion chiller for that because I don't want to stuff around with removing hop bits and stopping hop bits from getting into the cast out wort. I'll be using the plate chiller as a pre-chiller and pumping ice water through the water in-out side and running the tap water through the wort in-out side to bring my tap water down (particularly over summer). This should make for shortened chilling times, less water wasted and easier lager pitching temps over the winter months. Or so I hope. :lol:

2. Have survived without a March pump for this long and probably still can. May look at obtaining one of these. Not for a HERMS because I believe I get by quite fine without one. Mainly for pumping the ice water through the plate chiller at a greater rate than the pond pump. Also to move strike water from the HLT to the mashtun at a better rate of knots than gravity. My HLT just sits above the mashtun and gravity has a bit of a "yawn factor" ATM. <_< This will make dough-in and filling for the second drain (batch sparging) a faster task.
I also plan to use the pump for vorlauf but not as a HERMS as stated earlier. I just personally prefer dump and stir single temp mashes these days and they make the beer I want.

There's my business plan all layed out... Who's going to be the bank and finance me? :lol:

Warren -
We are gearing up to start AG, and we plan to use an insulated mash tun. I am hoping we can get a rubbermaid or similar which of course we will set up with a thermometer, false bottom and tap. And we will get a large SS boiler, stand and burner.