I am begining construction of a 6 line glycol temprite tower..
(best description/name i could come up with...)
I'll give a quick rundown of what im looking at doing..
I have my 6 tap font upstairs...
Kegs and temp controlled homemade glycol pack downstairs..
glycol pumped up to the 6 tap font and then on return through a 30-50mm pipe containing
6 stainless individual 8mm beer lines..
The beer will travel through approx. 3meters of stainless line surrounded by the opposite flowing glycol...
the idea is to produce an inline Temprite...with the minimum beer line length possible..
(to reduce the amount of keg pressure required to push the beer up)
while still bringing the temp of the beer down to the preset tempreture...(or close enough)
The glycol pump will be (hopefully) switched on and off when required so that during "downtime" the glycol returns to the glycol pack to reduce the work of the refridgeration unit..
The glycol "Tower" will have to have a self-priming system but i believe i have that worked out now....
Plans are drawn and hopefully construction will comence in the next couple of weeks...
just need to save approx $350 for all the stainless tube and compression fittings..
SQYRE... :super:
Everyone feel free to pick the crap out of this plan as i may have overlooked a potential problem..
and i'd like to explore all posibilities before the $$$ outlay... :blink: