Small fermentation/cold crashing fridge

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Hi there,

So, 6 months in, I'm looking at stepping it up a touch.

I was looking to get a small bar fridge to cold crash/lager. I don't need a huge amount of internal space. Enough for a 10l glass fermenter.

Additionally, I'm space limited. Smaller the better. The biggest problem I'm running into seems to be super common; the step at the bottom taking the floor space needed in most bar fridges.

I've attached two pics of some good little bar fridges that would fit the bill. One is $295, the SS $395. I know I could get a hell of a lot more bang for the buck with a gumtree fridge....but it's got to look pretty tidy. Otherwise, I will not be gaining approval from the significant other! Temp specs look fine.

Do these look alright? Am I not on the right track? Better options considering the requirements? Thanks!


Don't use a wine fridge, the cooler will not get you in the ball park for lower ferments, I use wine cooler fridges as cheese caves,
Perfect for cheese not strong enough for brewing. I am in the same predicament right now looking for the perfect fridge.
Pilchard said:
Don't use a wine fridge, the cooler will not get you in the ball park for lower ferments, I use wine cooler fridges as cheese caves,
Perfect for cheese not strong enough for brewing. I am in the same predicament right now looking for the perfect fridge.
Yeah, thee SS one looks it's more likely used as a bar fridge as opposed to a wine fridge. Most of the wine fridges I've seen spec it to about 7-12 degrees. They are quoting 0-10 degrees for this one. More akin to a typical bar fridge. I may be wrong though.
I use a wine fridge and it works fine for me. I don't brew lagers though and reckon it would struggle getting down to lager temps. And no cold crashing either...

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