Small Batch Brewing

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I've been considering doing some smaller batch brewing 12Lt for example, as a way to try some different styles and new beers. I'm an extract brewer btw and was wondering whether the size of the fermentor has any negative effect on the brew. In other words if I brew a 12 Lt batch and ferment in my regular sized fermentor does anyone think this would effect the end result? I have thought about just getting one of the malt Shovel fermentors but if I dont have to I'd rather not. Look forward to any replies/advice.

Your normal fermenter will work fine. The CO2 produced during fermentation sits atop your brew and keeps your precious drop safe and sound.
BeerSmith (and other tools) reckon that to carbonate 12litres of beer at 20degC to 2.5volumes you would need 110grams malt extract.

Given that you will be fermenting a couple of kilograms of extract (I guess), there should be enough CO2 generated to push the majority of the oxygen that was previously in your fermenter out.

Failing that, you could ferment in small plastic jerries (fresh wort cubes) or other small plastic container. I use Decor 8.5litre storage containers for small batches.
Why not just purge the vessel with CO2 first?
Normal sized fermentors are fine. I have done this several times when splitting batches to try different yeasts

Kabooby :)
Done it heaps of times with no adverse effects.
Go for it.
I do small batches in 5L demijohns or whatever they're called.

Never have any dramas and keeps my big fermenters free and clean for bigger batches when I want them.

It's cool to be able to see whats going on inside the glass containers during experiments too.

you might be interested in a vodcast on itunes from 'Basic brewing' in the USA. The have an episode on "CPR for Yeast" where they talk about making small worts / starters in growlers.
I got the idea from the Basic Brewing videocast for their small batch IPA. I think it was near the end of 2005 or ealy 2006. It will be available on their website.

I was sick of having 23L of tastless K&K brew, so have been using this method to experiment and work on my process.

I mostly do my smaller brews (8-13L) in a 20litre handy pail $10 from bunnings (or free scrounged from a restaurant etc) 12L in one of those fills it up to around the same level as a 23L litre brew in a "normal" fermentor. I syphon out of the buckets... but you could fit a tap in easily enough.

Or, if you like to see whats going on .... you can scrounge up one of the big PET bottles that goes onto a spring water cooler. They are about 15-16L and work perfectly well as a fermentor. Nice and easy to seal up with a stopper and airlock too. Free from your place of employment if you do it while no one is watching. Once again, you will have to syphon out of it. Don't clean them out with really hot water though... eventually they crack. I killed two in the last 6 months. They lasted a good dozen brews each though. Keep it to warm water and they will last a lot longer.

Having said all that... your 30L fermentor will be fine anyway. Its just a matter of whether you want to tie it up for a 10L brew or not.


Thanks for al the advice guys, I'll definitely be trying it out for my next batch. I regularly tune in to Basic Brewing Radio/Video, but without the aid of a "growler" I wondered if you could do the same in a larger vessel, now I know you can. Cheers again! :D

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