Slow Or Stuffed?

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Last night I pitched a pack of Craftbrewer's US05 onto 15l undiluted St Peters FWK (Norwest pale ale). I re-hydrated the yeast as per usual in about 120ml of cooled boiled water, covered and left to sit for about an hour. It appeared to have proved as there was a small raft of bubbles on top, though not a huge dome as sometimes is the case. Pitched at 22C and cooled to about 20C this morning, however there doesn't appear to be activity - though it's hard to tell as I am using one of the blue willow jerry cans to ferment in for the first time. Shining a torch through the side it appears to be flat with no sign of bubbles or foam around the edge.

I know I should be patient and leave it a bit longer, but I am a bit paranoid as this is the second attempt to get this brew under way. The first go with the US05 supplied with the FWK failed to prove at all (the pack was a bit puffed up when I got it and even after overnight the re-hydrated yeast had showed no sign of activity).

So my question is how much longer should I leave it before I should be worried, or should I re-pitch another pack of yeast now? I've never had a brew take this long to start fizzing, they have always been buzzing away the next morning. The only different thing I have done is using the jerry can and a fwk - I didn't take an OG reading but I understand the FWK to be 1.060 or close to. I do intend to top up to about 18l with liquid from French pressed NS flowers.

Sorry to sound like a panicked noob but my beer supplies have been low that I've had to buy beer and I really don't want/can't afford this brew to fail.
I've had US05 take its sweet ass time before- upto 30 hours. Give it a bit.
I know what the problem was. I hadn't had a beer.


Now all is good and well, and I haven't even looked at the fermenter again today! Thank you AHB for holding my hand for 5 minutes and saying "there there, it will be okay"

apparently you now need to sacrifice a kitten or something....
apparently you now need to sacrifice a kitten or something....

i have 9 kittens in a heshian bag
About to through them into a dam
This should cover atleast a couple of peaple for now
i have 9 kittens in a heshian bag
About to through them into a dam
This should cover atleast a couple of peaple for now

You spell about as well as you human being.
The first go with the US05 supplied with the FWK failed to prove at all (the pack was a bit puffed up when I got it and even after overnight the re-hydrated yeast had showed no sign of activity).

Dry yeast yeah?

Nothing to worry about mate, it's just inside the packaging. Most dry yeasts are like this.

It can't ferment anything without moisture and sugars, so the "puffy" effect of the packet yeast means shtuff all...

Also, can AHB consider giving the whole kitten joke a rest? Getting annoying...
No need to slaughter any small animals, airlocks are not in use here. There looks to be a good tide mark in the can, and the fermenter also has a ring of krausen showing. No, I didn't open the lid to see.

I don't know why the first Fermentis pack of didn't fire up or if the pack being a bit puffed up had anything to do with it. I suppose we could always blame the lhbs for poor storage or selling out of date yeast (I didn't check the used by date). I re-hydrated both packs as per directions, same as I have always done and never had such a delay. I guess the second pack was just a bit slow to get going but it got there in the end.

Anyway catastrophe averted, the brew is on the way, beer is in the fridge and motorbikes are on telly all day so all is good in this part of the world.