Single Infusion Mashing

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Gday Everyone,
Well I have been mashing using single infusion for a while and am looking to further my beering experience. Could anyone help me out with explanations or ideas for other infusion methods. Is there websites explaing this or any good books around on other methods other than single infusion methods

Cheers Archie

Greg Noonan - New Brewing Lager Beer !! is a must have for advanced mashing techniques..

Cheers Jason,
Any ideas of where you could purchase this book from
Here's Graham Saunder's take on decoctions. Another site on decoctions, follow on to page 2 of that site for a 'how to' page. You should be aware that many people question just how much benefit you get from doing decoctions. But worth a try and then you decide for yourself. (I'm still planning on doing one, but when each brew comes around, I'm too lazy to do it this time. ;) )

Step mashes. If you are using well-modified grain, you are getting good efficiency, clarity and head retention, do you really need to do a step mash?
Yeah thats what i was thinking too Stuster just thought i might read up on it though to see what step mashing was all about.
I am the same have good intentions of trying it out but when brew day comes around I am just too lazy to wait so long for it to step

Cheers Archie
I really am going to a decoction soon. My next (or next but one) brew will be a North German Pilsner (noted your recipe, looks good). So that will be a good chance to test it out. Perhaps a traditional double decoction even.

Any out there who've tried decoctions care to comment on their usefulness or otherwise?
Archie, do you have Promash or Beersmith software, they make experimentation pretty simple, lots of preset mash schedules to choose from.
Gday screwtop,
Yeah I bought the copy of Promash I find it an invaluable program while brewing and coming up with brews, I do prefer Beersmiths print out though for brew day. Pity promash doesnt have that capability oh well.

Yeah i will play around with promash's already installed mash's

CHeers Guys

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