Silicone Sealant

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Thirsty Boy

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I have done a small amount of kitchen plumbing dissasembly... this led to the sink being out of action for a day - today, my efforts produced a leaky result... so I have re-done it with a generous application of Fuller brand plumbing silicone sealant.

But the stuff takes a bloody age to cure and I am going to suffer spousal disapproval if we are unable to use the sink & dishwasher for another couple of days.

If I point a fan heater into the undersink cupboard where all the drama is taking place - and heat things up to 40 or 50C... will that cure things faster? or will it just wreck the sealant?

It should be OK to use after 24 hours.
Some heat can't hurt I wouldn't think.

The reaction involved is a hydrolizing one, so the silicone compound comes into contact with atmospheric moisture to cure, evolving acetic acid in the process.

The result of a "drying" heat would be to slow down the process, rather than speed it up, as the moisture is driven off.

Best to leave it alone to do it's work - 24 hours should be sufficient for a water seal, but leave it 48 before anything solid touches it.

I was always told that cold would speed it up slightly i.e. not melt it.
Yeah.. that stuff is acid curing. Heat doesn't help (and as suggested may even slow things down). I;d let it cure fully before going anywhere near it. The quickest way to get a leak is to disturb it while curing. Another leak would probably result in extreme spousal disapproval.

Looks like regular spousal disapproval is your only option.

I was always told that cold would speed it up slightly i.e. not melt it.

Probably related to the moisture content accompanying cooler temps, but I"m not sure about that.

I'm with Airgead - just leave it to do it's work.

Thanks guys - I gave it some heat... but left it 24hrs. Oh well - all seems well at the moment and after another couple of days I will give it few wraps of gaffa to reinforce it physically before I feel safe to ignore it.

Appreciate the help
