sick of being marketed at like a cash cow.

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I am just putting forward a point of view that if a business wants to make a profit from the AHB community they should bee seen to be contributing to its growth in some respect, like many of the retailers already do, either through sponsorship, discounts or knowledge.

Costanzo doesn't seem to contribute anything other than a sales pitch.

Communities are built on contribution, IMO he is just taking advantage of what Dane has started and the Aussie brewing community built. If he was to contribute in some fashion I would have no problem with him promoting his business.
So where do you propose we draw the line? Where do we say someone has carried their weight?

Yes, Retailer A, you've helped lots of people here, you're exempt. Sorry, Retailer B, your knob-gags are great but you've helped no one today - COUGH UP!

What if Retailer B lifts his game? Does he get a refund?
The line should be draw wherever Dane puts it, its his call, everything I've said is just an opinion.

Clearly Dane hasn't done anything to set a line in the sand and we can only assume without comment from him he isn't planning on it.

But that doesn't stop people from from having a dislike for Costanzo's marketing technique. Some of your are really getting your knickers in a knot about what was clearly the OP blowing off steam.
It has been said many times... the bloke posts in the Retail section under the forums' current rules, so why pull his product apart with unfounded notions that his courses are no good.

If you have a complaint about his posts then contact a Forum Administrator, if you have a complaint about his product then state the facts here but remember you may have to defend what you say in a forum that has only one judge...

Maybe this forum should have a "Kangaroo Court" section :-/
jayahhdee said:
Some of your are really getting your knickers in a knot about what was clearly the OP blowing off steam.
Well, I'm not sure anyone is upset with barls. He said is piece, some disagreed, others agreed.

Other people still came in and suggested that is improper for certain types of users to post freely even when they post well within the rules as it is akin to an attack on the community but maybe they could buy their way around this egregious affront to common decency.
DrSmurto said:
Information from an experienced, knowledgeable, brewing professional versus a brewing forum full of amateurs spouting their own perceived wisdom (I put myself in the latter category).

Why do so many of you have your knickers in a twist? Bunch of grumpy bastards.
I know, I know, before I found AHB I used to make really bland beer. Just tasted like malt and hops.
Now I make all sorts of beer. I can split yeast packs down to a single cell and reculture them up as top fermenters with this fantastic insulating fur on the top of the wort in my fermenter. Best of all I can now make beer with fantastic wine like characteristcs, some that warm my belly, others with a beautiful butterscotch or blue cheese note and my favourite, that I call Grandmas orchard, reminds me of every variety of apple I have ever eaten all blended up, crushed and left to warm in the sun on the porch. Thats my favourite beer of all time. Thankyou to the collective knowledge.

NO harm intended, just jumping on the train wreck!
First class coach is full mate. Pro members only. Now feck off!
manticle said:
Fat dude is Piers Akerman.

Couldn't resist Nev, especially when this thread is such a general waste of time.

People post **** jokes in the humour section sometimes. I cope pretty well. If someone posts a retail item in the retail thread that I don't want, I cope also.
Looks like he enjoys a beer or 10
pommiebloke said:
So has anyone here actually ATTENDED one of his courses, and if so, what did they learn? :ph34r:
Yep. Went to the day long seminar. It was very informative, all about setting up a micro/brewpub.

There was very little on the actual process of brewing, and a hell of a lot about the process of starting a brewery. Location selection, equipment purchasing - not to mention a primer in business planning and start up realities.

What did I learn? At this point in my life I cannot accept the risk required to start that sort of business.

Was it worth the money? Absolutely, if you're seriously thinking about starting a brewery.

On topic: the man sells information, he follows the forum rules, give him a break and give this argument a rest!

Edit: spelling.
manticle said:
Pro is supposed to be opt in or not. Don't start making rules for it or it becomes the dreaded 'tiered' system which I, as a pro member will opt out of.
Its a Maslows type of thing, belonging reward etc etc but with Pro you can buy that.
Internet study is really making me think different. :unsure:
Professional Computing Practice?
dicko said:
It has been said many times... the bloke posts in the Retail section under the forums' current rules, so why pull his product apart with unfounded notions that his courses are no good.

If you have a complaint about his posts then contact a Forum Administrator, if you have a complaint about his product then state the facts here but remember you may have to defend what you say in a forum that has only one judge...

Maybe this forum should have a "Kangaroo Court" section :-/
Dicko I thought this was Kangaroo court section ??
Off to grab my wig and stand in judgment.
Judge Nev presiding
Gryphon Brewing said:
Dicko I thought this was Kangaroo court section ??
Off to grab my wig and stand in judgment.
Judge Nev presiding
As a retailer, I think you'll find that you're in the dock.
Ah, my apologies. I thought "internet study" meant studying on the Internet.

Sounds like it'd be interesting. Enjoy.
Firstly something which no-one has said yet, but thank you to the OP for starting this discussion in the correct forum instead of adding to the threadshitting in Vinces posts that is allowed to go unabated. This is where all this discussion should have taken place from the start, assuming there was any need for discussion (which there isn't).

I think that the threadshitting is the single worst thing about this forum. I've spoken to Dane about it and made reports in threads where it happens. I can't see where anyone has the right to go in to someones simple retail thread and tear the guy to bits for no reason other than you either don't want to buy his product or you believe he owes you something for free if other people want to buy his product.

By all means start another thread about it.

Send a message to the Admin or mods about it if you feel that strongly that he should not be allowed to advertise.

But have some simple bloody manners. :unsure:

As for whether he is doing the right or wrong thing there is no doubt at all that he is acting within the rules, therefore he should be protected from the attacks of a few people by the moderators and admin. That is what you are moderators for people.

Some of the uneducated attacks here from people even suggest that you should get a fee can of goo if you sign up to one of his courses. The person hasn't had the decency to even read the thread in question and understand the courses that are being offered, they just assume that it's a course for newbies to learn how to brew basic beer.
I have no opinion either way, but agree with all the posts that say if you don't care for it, don't click it.

I support everything Bum has said in the original thread and here (aside from the attacks on truman) towards respecting the guy. I would have said this in the thread in retail, but it is not the place for such comments.

I really believe in these instances the moderation team here has failed.

edit for spelling
Had a look at the website last night. Seeing as he's running a consultancy based firm, I can see why he's not giving out advice for free on AHB.
Information is what he's selling.
A question though, is a course like this tax deductible if you're in the brewing business?
Gryphon Brewing said:
Dicko I thought this was Kangaroo court section ??
Off to grab my wig and stand in judgment.
Judge Nev presiding
Too late for the Wig Nev.....we know where you work!
I think the title of this thread goes even further 'sick of being marketed at like a cash cow'. Should we just forgo the whole retail forum then? And should we remove all adverts from site sponsors, for that is also marketing. Should Dane not have Pro membership, again more marketing and perhaps is (unintendedly) creating a toxic, snobbish and entitled 'upper class' who think their opinions outweigh all others because they have shelled out $30??