Should we cull sharks

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Ducatiboy stu

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Well it seems that the sharks are menacing poor innocent surfers again on the east coast and there are calls to break out the .303's and start culling their numbers

Personally if you swim in the ocean with sharks then its pretty fair to assume that one day things are going to get peronal

Is it just hysteria on the part of the surfers or are there way to many sharks
Yeah we should start culling car drivers too, they kill heaps of cyclists every year...
DBS - AHB's answer to Tracy Grimshaw. :D

The sharks were there first. We're pillaging the waters of their food source with no thought to any form of conservation. Can't really blame them can we?

Flip side is the Great White has been protected for awhile now and much like the croc, has reached strong numbers.

'Spose it depends whose life you value more. I'm kinda siding with the Carcharodon Carcharias at the moment.
Yeah, **** off Stu with your click bait n shit.

I'm a surfer (admittedly the world's worst surfer) and I have no hesitation getting in the water at Lennox/Ballina/Evans.

Just eat more flake.

The West Australian public showed what they think of our Premier's shark culling project last year, I think he played his card so hard initially that he couldn't back down without loosing face. Most surfers I've seen interviewed who've survived a shark attack bear them no malice, and the families of fatal attacks usually say they don't want the shark hunted down because their son or daughter wouldn't have wanted it to be.
The silliest thing that happens around Perth is that whenever a whale carcass is seen floating near the shore they bring it aground and dispose of it by burying it!!! Tow it out to sea and let the sharks and other marine life recycle it no way, I can't believe how stupid the ones who make these decisions are. If you keep pulling all the food of these prime predators out of the water I guess they deserve to try something different when they come across it.
" bumped into " a shark while spear fishing a good 25 yrs ago.
Never went back into the water again.
They keep out of my shed,I keep out of theirs....simple

And in reply to the topic title. No.
manticle said:
We should focus on culling idiots instead.
First thought came to mind was "sharks are doing that", not the best, so won't go with it. Unless you count those who go snorkelling/diving in wetsuits at dawn/dusk in known shark/seal activity areas. The sharks on the NSW north coast are obviously travellers, any local sharks who've topped up on ;locals are not going to be the most active of predators.

Those making the biggest noise are simply after headlines/votes...pollies...or funding...greenie groups....both relying on emotive broadcasting/publicity.

Bigger idiots are those who decide to swim in rivers up north , diving/swimming adjacent to f***ing big CROC WARNING signs.

They are there, we go in there, no surprise if we get scratched. I would think I would feel the same way as the families/friends of those who get taken, most times it is simply acceptance and no desire for retribution.
Look up why we need top predators in an ecosystem. Humans are probably the exception ....the point of the original post around culling? Pretty unique to us in the animal world.
madpierre06 said:
Those making the biggest noise are simply after headlines/votes...pollies...or funding...greenie groups....both relying on emotive broadcasting/publicity.
I saw an interview a few weeks back form some surf instructor at Lennox Head, ( standing next to the obligatory VW Combi ) banging on about how the sharks where costing him $10,000 per week....etc...etc

First thing I thought was mmmm... most people who want to learn to surf dont tend to do it during winter, and I really doubt he was earning $10k a week from teaching people how to surf in Lennox Head

There was one cafe owner that was also banging on about how the sharks where costing him trade. Now I may be wrong, but I am pretty sure his cafe was on dry land, not in the ocean

Personally the more people like these that get eaten by sharks the better.

I am firmly on the sharks side B)
Nuthin' wrong with a bit of cullin'

Wonder if there are any Plum fans here?
Bridges said:
Yeah we should start culling car drivers too, they kill heaps of cyclists every year...
Almost agreed, but cyclists wear Lycra and really shouldn't, so on balance I reckon we should feed any Lycra clad cyclist to the sharks and solve lots of problems at once
12 months ago North Coast surfers would've crucified anyone suggesting a cull. Now they've missed a winter they're all for it. Write it off as a bad year and do something else. Kill sharks so you can surf Lennox ? Bit rich IMHO

It's ironic that a peace loving organic loving community that's all about nature and the environment can quite happily suggest the idea of a shark cull.
Great white not good eating...most sharks used as "flake" are tiger/elephant we cull snakes because they can kill people...

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