Sandgropers, Case, 2008, Yada Yada

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1 Guest Lurker
2 Doogiechap
3 kukulkan
4 Mika
5 clay
6 Goat
7 Asher
8 Randyrob
9 Recharge
10 Ausdb
11 Sinkas
12 Vlad The Pale Aler
13 barfridge
14 brendanos
15 Roger Mellie
1 Guest Lurker
2 Doogiechap
3 kukulkan
4 Mika
5 clay
6 Goat
7 Asher
8 Randyrob
9 Recharge
10 Ausdb
11 Sinkas
12 Vlad The Pale Aler
13 barfridge
14 brendanos
15 Roger Mellie
16 Malty Cultural

Oh dear God, what have I done?
16 Malty Cultural
Oh dear God, what have I done?
Nothing drastic, just brew the best beer you can that reflects where you are at in that great adventure called brewing and share it with some other like minded souls pretty simple really.
However on the subject of not coming up with the goods I hear that Google streetview is a very effective tool for tracking down non contributing participants and GL does have some rather large dogs :ph34r:
1 Guest Lurker
2 Doogiechap
3 kukulkan
4 Mika
5 clay
6 Goat
7 Asher
8 Randyrob
9 Recharge
10 Ausdb
11 Sinkas
12 Vlad The Pale Aler
13 barfridge
14 brendanos
15 Roger Mellie
16 Malty Cultural
17 Mesa

Woohoo! First case swap!
1 Guest Lurker
2 Doogiechap
3 kukulkan
4 Mika
5 clay
6 Goat
7 Asher
8 Randyrob
9 Recharge
10 Ausdb
11 Sinkas
12 Vlad The Pale Aler
13 barfridge
14 brendanos
15 Roger Mellie
16 Malty Cultural
17 Mesa
18 Tony M
1 Guest Lurker
2 Doogiechap
3 kukulkan
4 Mika
5 clay
6 Goat
7 Asher
8 Randyrob
9 Recharge
10 Ausdb
11 Sinkas
12 Vlad The Pale Aler
13 barfridge
14 brendanos
15 Roger Mellie
16 Malty Cultural
17 Mesa
18 Tony M
19 deebee's latest kayenkay
The (my) rules are the rules. 500 ml is a longneck, but real longnecks are better. Have you had a cream ale before? Kais was my first and I tried it because Kai was able to use his 500 ml bottles, thats the whole point. Galaxy tastes like ****, it must do because my APA with galaxy didnt score well at the comp, excessive use of Galaxy may get you banned from future cases. As will excessive chitter chatter! No blow up animals to be seen in this thread.

Banned from a case swap for using a particular hop? That is madness! Madness!

The revolution is coming my friend.

WA brewers revolt! Make beer that YOU like. Form your own swap with rules you ALL agree on. Down with the fascist autocratic dictatorship!

inflatable sheep, chitter chatter, goats and actual friendship
I was just hoping that my message reads in the light hearted manner it was intended. While there is an element of truth in my message, it was intended in jest, so please read it that way.

Help, Help! I'm being repressed!
Bonj! Quit wit da jibber jabba


The jovial views expressed here by InCider are not those of the Queensland Brewerhood and no harm or hurt feelings are intented to the West Coast Swap Attendees. :D
Bonj, You're also banned from the QLD swaps for subliminal advertising

WA brewers revolt! Make beer that YOU like. Form your own swap with rules you ALL agree on. Down with the fascist autocratic dictatorship!

Democracy is an institution greater than the scum of its parts. The ideal government is a benign dictatorship situated deep in that Utopia where power does not corrupt. Sounds impossible outside Cuba? Well, so far Captain Sensible has been quite benign, has organised everything, thrown on some food, locked up the hounds and generally allowed us to not have to think for ourselves. Revolutions need a bit of unrest and, right now, it's just too damn comfortable.

Cheers Dave. Just for that, you can enter a wheat if you like.

PS Anyone recognise anyone in this photo?

you're gonin to get in twouble !

(and you could have at least held his hair)
I dunno, I spent some 300 on shots, tips and bottles that night,
I did not intend people to get bladdered, and I am sorry if in the midst of the 2 bucks parties I mis calculated the standard drinks purchased for either party.
We really should have gone to the Loft

And with regard to DeeBees assertion, in a similar vein to the bucks do's, I was guilty of trying to rebel the fellowship of the xmas case last year and ended to getting into a one way fight with alot of american craftbrew.
If anyone was chasing Champagne bottles for this swap (or just in general) there is a big function at work tonight that will free up heaps of them. Let me know and I'll set some aside for you to collect. A few years ago I scored a couple of hundred crown seal stubbies so I would expect there would be at least 4 dozen champers bottles but maybe more.
I've got a Saison infected with Brett that will be going into some of them in 4 or 5 months time :)