No thanks, I don't wish to drink fizzy wort like you do. :unsure:Nick JD said:The yeast I buy can digest maltose. I can send you some if you'd like and then you will drink beer and not fizzy wort, like I do.
Who said anything about wine yeast being unable to metabolise maltose?hoppy2B said:Maltase, which yeast produce, gets its name from where it was discovered. And the naming of said enzyme has bugger all to do with the erroneous belief that beer yeast possess some mystical ability to digest maltose, purportedly lacking in other yeast such as those used to ferment wine.
That's been the inference on numerous occasion. A lot of brewers on here seem to hold that belief.manticle said:Who said anything about wine yeast being unable to metabolise maltose?
Then stop writing unsubstantiated ********.hoppy2B said:I can't be bothered
So google it.hoppy2B said:Yeah well I'm not really interested in the hearsay that the old wives brew club insists in perpetuating. I just hope most individuals reading it have the common sense to realize what you're saying is just nonsense.