Saflager S23 Fermentation Temperature

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Just laid down a brew using Fermentis Saflager S23. I have a fridge and fridgemate. Have been reading that kit yeasts are not really lager yeasts and have to be brewed at 17-18 degrees. Is this so for Saflager S23 because I have mine @ 11.
Just laid down a brew using Fermentis Saflager S23. I have a fridge and fridgemate. Have been reading that kit yeasts are not really lager yeasts and have to be brewed at 17-18 degrees. Is this so for Saflager S23 because I have mine @ 11.

No. S23 is a true lager yeast. 10 - 12C for primary is a good temperature.

I thought s-23 was a real cold loving lager yeast, as in its preferred temps were 8C-10C
The Fermentis website recommends fermentation temperature of 9-15 c, ideally 12 c. Either way you arent going to have any problems with 11 c. It apparently goes into hibernation below 8 c, but I don't know for sure.
I used it at 12 deg and it worked great.

Good luck
Thanks for the feedback everyone. Just reading the fermentis pdf link from SAH (ta heaps!) which specifies 20+ degrees pitching temp for dry pitching. Mine went in @ 16 degrees as I read in John Palmer's book to pitch lager yeast at fermentation temp. Has anyone had problems dry pitching at this temp?

Thanks again,

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