Sabsosa 2006 - Results

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I've got a leave pass to go to the presentation on sunday to drop off entry for nats and pick up certificate or whatever.Who else is going to attend?
Yeh, Asher cleaned out last year i think and did pretty well this year too.

it is a bit odd.
I've got a leave pass to go to the presentation on sunday to drop off entry for nats and pick up certificate or whatever.Who else is going to attend?
I know I will be there.
Congratulations guys.Also congrats to the W.A brewcrew.

Big D
Is it really true that 2 years in a row, a Western Australian brewer, with the first name of Ash/Asher, has cleaned up at the SA show?

Yep - time they got their own competition :p Just gags!!

The Robust Porter was great!
I think it is great that our(SA) comp is open to WA brewers and allows them vital feed back and chance at qualifying nationally.

It does strike me as odd though that a State with such a strong and industry leading craftbrew fraternity doesn't have a state based comp for grass roots brewers.Sponsorship and organisational/judging capabilities would surely be in strong supply over there.
we have the skill sbut not the numbers. i dont think there are too many passionate homebrewers in perth. they must all brew professionally.

Looks like i may have a chance at the mash paddle :D
My american brown (or Amber) that placed 3rd and the average placing aussie ale are up in the recipes section. they have been converted from their ~15L batch sizes to 23 for you all.

Ill post a couple others up, but maybe not the robust porter or american pale :)
Double check on the rules Ash. Unless it has changed, you have qualified to enter one beer in the same category you were successful in at State level.

Brew another beer, if time permits. I had to do this last year, as I ran out of my Weizen. The second one was a bit green for the comp and got a 6th in the Nats. Not too bad for it's age, tho.

Here a link to a reply to a similar question from last year. Not 100% authoritative, but I waouldn't want to argue with Warren. :lol:

Seth out :p
Presentation Day reminder....

Where: Holdfast Brew Pub
When: Sunday 17th September at 11am

Bring along your beers if you qualified for the AABC. You should have received an email this morning from Alex with the details.

Hope to see lots of you there.

I'll be there!
I'm the scruffy bloke in a "Beer Advocate Tee" so come and say G'day
I have just recieved details from SABSOSA regarding entries to AABC.

send entries to
Grain & Grape, 99 Rosamond RD., Maidstone, Victoria 3012
before end October
$10 per entry
label bottle with all relevant information.

more details here]Vicbrew[/url]

Its all a bit cloak and dagger is'nt it.
I dont think im going to bother with this one. SABSOSA and ANAWBS is enough
I have just recieved details from SABSOSA regarding entries to AABC.

send entries to
Grain & Grape, 99 Rosamond RD., Maidstone, Victoria 3012
before end October
$10 per entry
label bottle with all relevant information.

more details here]Vicbrew[/url]

Its all a bit cloak and dagger is'nt it.

Hi Vlad

Not sure where your location is besides 'local' but if you are in SA then entries can be dropped off to the SABSOSA convenor, Trevor, or you can PM me to arrange drop off to me. We are packing and sending all of the SA entries off in the next week or so.

I have been away from my home email for the last couple of days, due to moving house, but I assume the WA qualifiers received this email so they could send their entries direct. The main issue is that the AABC is not an allcomers competition as it is only for those who qualified via the affiliated state competitions. The last thing the organisers want is to be swamped with entries that aren't qualifiers. Not cloak and dagger stuff at all.

Ash - you should definately put an entry in if you have any left.

Tim Harriss (SABSOSA Secretary)

Edit: WA brewers - I have received a PM from Guest Lurker with a couple of questions regarding the AABC for WA qualifiers. I will be following them up tonight and I'll make sure I get back to you all in the next day or so. Sorry for any confusion caused.

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